Latest News:

"Asking about suicide doesn't have to be scary and can save a life."
Worldwide suicide prevention day highlights the need to talk.
We support our parish project, Grassroots Suicide Prevention, in the work they do to help those in need. Watch their film using this link. CLICK HERE
Apart, yet together. #ChurchAtHome #parishproject

Here is the newsletter for this coming weekend: Please remember to keep booking your place at the Mass you wish to attend as we are close to reaching capacity at the weekend as we will need to know if we have to make special arrangements. Also, this system helps with our track and trace information should we ever be unlucky enough to need to use that. The link to our booking system is in with the 'welcome' section in the first website post.

Congratulations to Alan Pound for being the lastest in the illustrious list of Not So Young Club Quiz round 'clever clogs'!  A full score merits an award of the ceremonial wooden spoon from the Chairman's other (better) half, Angela!

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