Janey and Philip participated with the R.C.I.A. (Roman Catholic's In Action) group in preparing for this wonderful occasion in their lives.
This was the write up from the Diocesan Website just before Easter:
On the First Saturday of Lent, 8th March, our Diocesan family gathered at the cathedral to celebrate the Rite of Election, in which those who are journeying towards becoming part of our Catholic community are presented to Bishop Declan. Here family and friends, sponsors and godparents, joined with those preparing for Baptism (Catechumens) and those preparing to be received into full communion with the Catholic Church (Candidates) as they came to this stage of their journey towards reception of the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. Altogether, there were 27 Catechumens and 47 Candidates from all parts of the Clifton Diocese, including Janey Quigley and Philip Mann from St Augustine’s. Janey and Phil will receive Confirmation and Holy Communion at our Easter Vigil.
In his homily Bishop Declan spoke of what we had heard in the gospel: Jesus noticed Levi and called him. He went on to ask if we had noticed a change in the lives of those he was now calling, in a deepening of prayer, a sense of joy in the Word and an openness to the presence of God in their lives. The same change should also be reflected in the lives each one of us as the grace of the season of Lent helps us to draw closer to God.
Please keep all the Catechumens and Candidates in your prayers, along with their sponsors and godparents, as they, and we, continue our Lenten journey to Easter.