Latest Soup Run Rota
Thank you to Philip McWilliams for coordinating the St Augustine's Soup Run admin (amongst many other things!)
This latest rota covering April 2021 through to April 2022 still takes into consideration the changes that have been implemented to keep everyone safe under the COVID restrictions.
CLICK HERE to see the new rota - it will stay at the left hand side bar of the website at all times should you wish to find it again easily in the future. (If you require a printed copy please contact the parish office and we will get one ready for you to collect.)
Please pray for the fantastic people who get involved over the city and over the country to help those on the fringes.
Please pray for those who are living on the streets and those in crisis in our society.
Please pray this prayer from Plymouth Diocese for India's recovery from the pandemic.
"Almighty God, we pray for the people of India as they continue to face the horrors of the pandemic and its effects. Bring comfort to the dying and those who accompany them. Grant eternal rest to those who have died and strengthen those who grieve. We stand in solidarity with those of the parishes and communities of our diocese who are separated from family and loved ones and who are anxious and fearful. Inspire the world to reach out in friendship and peace to bring help and support and open our hearts in compassion. We make our prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen."
+ An update from the Desaster Emergency Commission: (DEC)
We’re deeply concerned about the tragic situation in India and our thoughts are with all those affected as well as their friends and families.
Our Coronavirus Appeal is funding work in seven of the world’s most fragile places where healthcare is minimal and millions of lives are also at stake (more info:
However, we encourage anyone wanting to help people in India to donate via the Indian Red Cross -
Thank you Martin Le Poidevin for sharing your music with us.
Thank you Deacon Vincent for your reflections for 4th Sunday of Easter – Year B
Like Jesus, Peter is brought before the authorities, and like Jesus, and before him, Elizabeth upon the arrival of the pregnant Mary, Peter is filled with the Holy Spirit, and will not back down one jot. He quotes psalm 117 (118), just as Jesus had done, “the stone which the builders rejected, has become the corner stone.” Notice also, the insistence upon the name of Jesus, which is repeated many times in the Acts. Peter and indeed the other Apostles display astonishing confidence, despite their lack of education, and the fact that they were known to Jesus, really counts as a further proof of their central claim that Jesus was indeed raised from the dead. The authorities will attempt to silence them but to no avail.
We also need to realise that Jesus is indeed raised from the dead and is our constant companion in life so we also can be confident in that belief and not be afraid to own Jesus as our Lord.
Psalm 117 (118)
We continue the theme of the Corner stone being Jesus; and God is glorified in his temple.
2nd Reading from 1st letter of St. John 3: 1-2.
John seems to see-saw in this reading between the Father and Jesus and sometimes it is difficult to distinguish exactly whom he is addressing, but here, it would appear that he is saying to us; to always be thankful to the Father for allowing us to be introduced to Him through Jesus. Not to expect suddenly for everything to go well for us, because the way they have behaved to the Father and recently his only Son, will also be directed towards us. But always be thankful because we have become God’s special children through Baptism and what we are to be in the future has yet to be revealed to us, when we shall see Him Face to face. What a prospect to look forward to, we know that he will forgive all our failings, as long as, we acknowledge our failings to him; so we have nothing to fear when we meet him at last. Alleluia.
Holy Gospel according to John 10: 11-18.
Here John has Jesus using the opening phrase “I AM”, and this takes us back to Genesis when Moses asks God’s Name and God answers, “I AM, WHO I AM.” All the Judeans would have immediately recognised this as a claim to be God Himself. It also aligns Jesus with the Father in being the Good Shepherd. The Father was recognised as the Shepherd of his people Israel. Jesus is saying that unlike the hired men, (the religious leaders), Jesus is the genuinely, Good Shepherd. His sheep know him, and he knows them, they know and listen for his voice. In the Middle East, shepherds lead their sheep to pasture every day and shelter and protect them at night in little enclosures. The sheep know the voice of their own shepherd, and they trust him because when a wolf approaches, they know he will protect them, even with his life, because his sheep belong to him; they are his wealth.
This is the picture he paints for us, we are his possession, he has purchased us, and he will protect us from the “Wolf “, (the evil one). Jesus is telling us that he and the Father are one, and we are their sheep and they have purchased us through the blood of Christ. Jesus will not let us be taken away by the Wolf. We are safe in his enclosure (the Church).
It is an image to make us gaze in wonder. Let us always be “Thankful to God” for allowing us to be saved. Our song should always be ALLELUIA!!
God Bless you ALL & Keep Safe.
Deacon Vincent