Parish Projects 2020

Voting is now open for which 2 charities you would like the Parish to support during 2020.

The 3 charities which have been nominated are;

Grassroots Suicide Prevention ~ sponsored by Petra Jordan ~ a charity that runs training courses in suicide prevention, working nationally with communities, organisations and individuals, helping them to effectively support someone at risk of suicide or experiencing a mental health problem.

The Patrick Wild Centre ~ sponsored by Jo Nash ~ based at the University of Medicine in Edingburgh, whose goals are to understand the genetic basis of autism, Fragile X syndrome & intellectual disabilities, to develop and test new ways to help people with these conditions and to engage those affected, as well as their families and those who support them, to better understand their difficulties.

The Brotherhood of Blessed Gerard ~ sponsored by Yvonne Morgan ~ founded in 1992 in South Africa to establish and provide a comprehensive and holistic system of care, running health projects, AIDS care, Hospice care, children's homes, clinics and more to the people of Natal in South Africa.

Look out for the voting slips at the back of Church to be placed in the ballot box by Sunday 2nd Feb - votes will be counted after Mass on Sun 2nd Feb (or email the parish with your 2 choices by Wed 30th Jan).

Thank you

Parish Pastoral Council

Meet St Augustine's Pastoral Council 

Your council, working with Fr Jim and Fr Barnabas, meet monthly to discuss the vision and future of our church community.

The Role of the PPC

  1. The PPC takes forward the views and suggestions of people in the parish, the Council is also cognisant of the plans of the Diocese for Mission and Evangelisation and aspires to scrutinise the latter and implement ideas and strategies in the parish. The Parish Priest constitutes the authority of the PPC and he is the final arbiter in implementing policy.
  2. The council meets to discuss and explore the pastoral and spiritual life of the parish community. Various projects and initiatives will be examined to facilitate the growth of this community and the liturgical life will be planned with those responsible and in particular the clergy.
  3. The Council regards local ecumenism as a key aspect of discussion and planning. There is a real desire by the Council to meet other Christians in fellowship and explore practical ways this parish can collaborate in evangelisation in our local area.
  4. The PPC works in collaboration with other groups in the parish, this is particularly the case with the Finance Committee. It is essential that all plans and strategies meet with the pastoral/spiritual ethos and aims of the PPC.
  5. The PPC explores opportunities to widen participation in the parish and actively encourages training to support a variety of ministries.
  6. The PPC filled with faith and hope engages in challenging discussions which aim to provoke and shake up the parish community when it becomes a comfort zone and potentially excludes individuals.

Latest minutes:

Click here for May's Minutes