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Holy Week 2022
Here are all our Mass/Service times for St Augustine’s Church:

~Wed 13th April – 7pm – Reconciliation Service

~Thurs 14th April – 8pm – Maundy Thursday Mass

~Good Friday 15th April
11am - Children’s Stations of the Cross with cuppa & hot cross buns after, in the hall
3pm – Celebration of the Passion of the Lord

~Easter Saturday – 8.30pm – Easter Vigil Mass

~Easter Sunday – 9.30am – Mass of Easter Day

You are all very welcome to attend all/any of the services, celebrating the mysteries of Holy Week and the Celebration of The Risen Christ at Easter!

May God bless you all.
Canon Frank

Children's Stations of the Cross

of all ages (newborns to 90's) are invited to celebrate together on Good Friday at 11am in the Church with songs, reflections, and activities - plus we all get a cuppa and a hot cross bun in the hall afterwards!
Everyone is welcome.

Parish Projects

Thank you everyone for their support over the weekend with the Mother’s Day sale and raffle. They made £169.70p!

The raffle winners were: John Fenlon, Frances McMillan, Jenny Blanchard, Maria Hall, Mike McBraida, Maureen Merrifield & Paul.

* Thanks to Petra Jordan, Jo Nash & others for restarting the fundraising events for our 2 Projects: The Patrick Wild Centre & Grassroots Suicide Prevention.
EVENTS COMING UP ■ Sun 10th April: Palm Sunday cake sale after mass with Easter raffle. ■ Sat 28th May at 7.30pm Concert in the Church from the Unity Singers. ■ Sun 12th June: Afternoon cream tea. ■ Look out for more events & more details

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The newsletter for this coming weekend is on the wesbite within the 'Newsletter section'
Please note, coming up....
- Tomorrow (Friday 25th) 'Lenten Lunch' in the hall served from 12noon until 1.30pm with donations for CAFOD. Plus from 5-7pm the church is open for anyone to visit to light a #CandleForPeace then afterwards the Rosary will be said until Mass starts at 7.30pm.
- Sunday (27th) Mother's Day cake and gift sale with refreshments in the hall after morning Mass.

Thanks go, once again, to Deacon Vincent for sharing his weekly Reflections
~ 4th Sunday in Lent Year C

1st Reading from the book of Joshua 5: 9-12.
This book is named after this single person because he figures greatly in this story. We are dealing with the Israelites entering and slowly conquering Canaan under the charismatic leader Joshua. For the reader in the Greek translation, they get a bit of a shock as Joshua translates as Jesus from Hebrew to Greek. Just try to imagine the shock of the early Christians reading this book with Jesus the main character. We use the original Hebrew name of Joshua to avoid discomfort. The book is about the struggle to establish their promised land. Its main theme is about following God’s rules which lead to success or disobeying and finding themselves in a mess. This particular section is their first meal on the products of their new land, and the joy of celebrating their maturity from slaves to free born people in the feast of the Passover. Moses had recently looked across the Promised land but was forbidden to enter it. Joshua would lead the people to possess this land, and this is the new people in the new land with their heritage remembered and driven deep into their whole being. God will be their God and whilst they remember this and do not stray, their heritage is secure.

Psalm 33: 2-7.
This is a (Wisdom) psalm of thanksgiving. Our response today is taken from verse 8 and the word for good in Greek sounds like the word for Messiah or Christ, so a Christian hearer would have heard “Taste and see that the Lord is Christ.”

2nd Reading from 2nd letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians 5: 17-21.
God’s victory over death is not just for Jesus, but due to God’s generosity it is extended to all of us, and it will transform our lives. But God will not force us, so Paul says, “be reconciled to God”. We are Ambassadors for Christ, and that message is, be reconciled to the sinless one, Jesus Christ. We ought to be astonished at God’s generosity, he made Christ into sin, all for us!!

The Holy Gospel According to Luke 15: 1-3, 11-32.
This is an extraordinary story, the younger son is brutally rude and arrogant to his father, who is extremely docile. Off goes the young son and leads a very dissolute life, there are no redeeming features except that when things go wrong, he decides to go home. Now just be amazed that the father is looking out for him day in and day out. He knows the lad will get into trouble, and he wants him home. He sees the boy at a distance and dashes to greet him. He does not shout or condemn he restores him to his family place, and of course orders a feast. The story does not finish there for this parable is for those who criticise Christ’s generosity in receiving sinners. So, the elder son comes sulking and grumbling, forgetting that the father had given him half of himself, he complains at feasting “this son of yours”, he can’t bear to give him a name, whilst saying how he has obeyed all his commands and followed all his rules and never once did he feast him. The father replies, my son everything I have is yours, but it is right to rejoice because, “this brother of yours was dead, but is alive, was lost but is found.” God’s generosity knows no bounds, so let us rejoice when the lost are found, not queue up to name their failings, for we are all “Lost and we all want to be found.” This is a week to ponder God’s generosity in letting us be called his children, for that is what we are through our baptism, Christ has earned our admission, let us always be grateful.

God Bless us all and fit us for eternal life, Amen.
Deacon Vincent

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** We had many people from the local area come along on Friday to light a #CandleForPeace - Please feel free to come along on Friday from 5-7pm 💙💛🕯 **

A message from the residents of Boscombe Crescent / Meadow Close who have approached us to help at this time...
"Some of our local residents came together to think about what else they could do to show support for the people suffering in Ukraine.
When Covid struck it put great pressure on the NHS staff and to show our appreciation we clapped on our doorsteps every Thursday evening.
For the Ukraine crisis, we asked if our local church, St. Augustine’s (Boscombe Crescent BS16 6QR), could be open for anyone to pop in and light a “Candle for Peace.” Candles will be available.
Initially, the Church will be open every Friday from 5.00 - 7.00pm. So please feel free to show your support for the people of Ukraine, at a time when we’re looking for ways to help. Thank you.
Local Residents."

You are all very welcome to come into the church and light a candle for peace and to show your solidarity for those suffering through this terrible conflict.

Mass for LGBTQ+ Catholics
Please see the poster from St. Nicholas of Tolentino RC Church, Bristol who invite us all to come along to the monthly celebration of the Eucharist for LGBTQ+ Catholics, Families, Friends and allies.
27th March at 3pm.

Thank you to Deacon Vincent for your Reflections for 3rd Sunday in Lent Year C

1st Reading from the Book of Exodus 3: 1-8, 13-15.
Moses is looking after some sheep, and some scholars see this as a preparation for the more arduous task of looking after the Israelites in the desert. Coming to Mount Horeb is brings a sense of impending drama, in Hebrew it is even more dramatic as it is the “mountain of God.” Then the Angel of the Lord appears to him, in Hebrew this is a shorthand term meaning the Lord. Moses sees the Lord in bush, which is burning, but not being consumed by the fire, he approaches but is instructed to show due reverence by removing his sandals. This is Holy Ground. (An important point for us to remember when we are on Holy Ground.) Then God gives Moses his mission. Moses will never be the same again, we realise that Moses knows very little about his heritage, he has been brought up an Egyptian Prince and most probably struggles with the Hebrew language. How am I to address the people? He is not familiar with the Hebrew protocol, and who are you? Inquires Moses. That’s no matter. You are to address me as “The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob”, that is how I am to be known for all eternity. Moses is taken by God and thrust into this prophetic role of acting as God’s mouthpiece. God is kindly to him and will give him Aaron his brother, a Levite to speak on his behalf. So, the great enterprise is formulated and arranged to set his beloved people free from slavery. It pre-empts the Annunciation with a virgin who will bear the Christ, yet remain a virgin commencing God’s greatest enterprise the salvation of all mankind from the slavery of sin.

Psalm 102: 1-4, 1-8, 11.
This song is a great acclamation in praise of God’s goodness in all he has done for us. We should always be extraordinarily generous with thanking God for all his great goodness towards us.

2nd Reading from 1st letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians 10: 1-6, 10-12.
There is obviously a problem for the Jewish Corinthian Christians about whether to eat food of the Gentiles lest it be dedicated to pagan gods. Paul is trying to say that unless they make a thing of the food being sacrificed to the gods, then don’t worry. Do what seems fitting to avoid embarrassment, within the strict confines of their dietary law. Also, he is worried about them thinking they will never fall into sexual sins, like the Corinthians, who had a tendency towards this weakness. Always be alert to one’s own humanity. Paul will use the Old Testament themes around the person of Christ. Christ is his prime motivation and inspiration. There is a point for us to ponder, should Christians always give way?

The Holy Gospel according to Luke 13: 1-9.
Luke’s Gospel is primarily about repentance, and here Christ points out the urgency of this call. He argues that the poor Galileans who were butchered by Pilate and had their remains mixed with their sacrifices to their gods were nor deserving of their fate. Jesus is mindful that he also will soon be butchered by Pilate. Also, he says that the accident of the Tower of Siloam falling on people was not because of their sins, it was just an accident. Then the parable of the fig tree. Sinners like the fig tree are given another chance – but this is not indefinite, we need to try to amend our ways. Lent is a great time to examine and weed out tendencies that might take us away from Christ. We have time, given us by God, the gardener, who will try and make us fertile again. Let’s use it wisely and constructively.

God Bless you All & Stay Safe.
Deacon Vincent.

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Wishing you all a very Happy St Patrick's Day.
💚 💚 💚 💚

"O God, who chose the Bishop Saint Patrick
to preach your glory to the peoples of Ireland,
grant through his merits and intercession,
that those who glory in the name of Christian
may never cease to proclaim your wondrous deeds to all.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever."

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Light a #CandleForPeace 💙💛🕯 Fridays from 5-7pm

A message from the residents of Boscombe Crescent / Meadow Close who have approached us to help at this time...

"Some of our local residents came together to think about what else they could do to show support for the people suffering in Ukraine.
When Covid struck it put great pressure on the NHS staff and to show our appreciation we clapped on our doorsteps every Thursday evening.
For the Ukraine crisis, we asked if our local church, St. Augustine’s (Boscombe Crescent BS16 6QR), could be open for anyone to pop in and light a “Candle for Peace.” Candles will be available.
Initially, the Church will be open every Friday from 5.00 - 7.00pm. So please feel free to show your support for the people of Ukraine, at a time when we’re looking for ways to help. Thank you.
Local Residents."

You are all very welcome to come into the church and light a candle for peace and to show your solidarity for those suffering through this terrible conflict.


Do you have any interesting-shaped empty bottles lying around the place, or waiting to be recycled?
If they are clean and dry Petra would LOVE them to turn into gifts that will be sold for our Parish Projects...
Please bring them to the Presbytery (please don't leave them at the back of church) for Petra to pick up.
Thank you!

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If you wish to make a donation, please look at using some of the online charity donations or see the following -
Polish Scouting Association (International) Ltd (PSA (Int’l) Ltd) stands united with scouting in Ukraine at this moment when their country is fighting for its sovereignty. We would all like to help them but we need to have specific goals to ensure that the required help is received by those who need it.

The largest scouting organisations in Poland have been called to provide assistance. PSA (Int’l) Ltd has been invited to work with Związek Harcerstwa Rzeczypospolitej (ZHR) to provide support to the Ukrainian refugees. ZHR is working with Polska Akcja Humanitarna and Caritas on the Polish/Ukrainian border, distributing food, donated goods, coordinating transport, and providing first aid.

Following instructions from PSA (Int’l) Ltd, PSA (UK Region) Ltd is providing financial support for this assistance. All units are involved in supporting this fundraising so we can collectively show our support.

Details of the account set up by the Polish Scouting Association (UK Region) Ltd to support Ukraine are as follows for anyone who is able to make a donation

Polish Scouting Association (UK Region) Ltd
Barclays Bank
sort code 20-97-09
account 13768198
Please quote reference: UKR + surname/family name

Registered Charity England and Wales: 1155288
Scotland: SC045348

As you can imagine, this support will be invaluable.

THIS SATURDAY (12th) at 10.00am....

There is an 'all hands on deck' sort & clear out of the well-loved storage sheds here at St Augustine's containing the Scouts and Guides Association items from over the years.
We would love it if anyone was free to come down at 10am to help with the clear-out? Bring a pair of gloves and an ability to carry and we'll supply the biscuits!
Over the years we have been blessed with amazing leaders, helpers and kids within our Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Rainbows, Brownies & Guides meaning there have been countless activities and fun memories made.

We still have places for girls within the unit meetings on a Thursday if anyone is interested. Please contact the Parish Office and we can pass on the contact info.

Photos: Canterbury Belles show 2008

Thank you, as ever, to Deacon Vincent for his Reflections for 2nd Sunday in Lent Year C

1st Reading from the Book of Genesis 15: 5-12, 17-18.
Genesis is the name the Greek translators gave it, meaning “origin” or “birth”, or “coming to be”, it is not a scientific book, but a treatise that begins with, as it must also end, with God. The first eleven chapters focus on how Israel fits in with God’s creation, then from chapter 12 onwards our attention is drawn to Abraham, and God’s unfailing fidelity, who never goes back on the promises he made to Abraham and his descendants. Chapters 37-50 deals with Abraham’s grandson Joseph and how the people of Israel come to reside in Egypt, then in the next volume (Exodus), how God will liberate his people to their promised land, with might and power. This passage is recording God’s covenant with Abraham, making him a father of many nations and people too numerous to count. We are drawn into this exciting and mysterious sealing of the Covenant. St. Paul will make great play of the fact that God struck this bargain with Abraham before he was circumcised and therefore a Gentile, Illustrating God’s openness to all his creation. These stories, from antiquity, were kept alive by the telling of the stories around the campfires, until they eventually were recorded in writing for all posterity. It is sometimes worth remembering this point when reading through it, particularly in some of the cumbersome passages. If we get into rhythm of these stories it illuminates it though the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

Psalm 26: 1, 7-9, 13-14.
Usually psalms of lament start with petition, and request for help, but this song reverses the process, which makes it very interesting. It continues our theme in the first reading confidently trust in God.
2nd Reading from St. Paul to the Philippians 3: 17- 4: 1.
This letter is to, perhaps, his favourite community, it was one of his earliest European foundations. He is emphasising that Christ should make a difference to the way we behave. Paul’s encounter with Christ had transformed his life and made a visible difference. He does not mince words, he is quite clear about the kind of behaviour that is appropriate, and that which is not. There is obviously some disunity in the community and Paul is pleading with them to follow the example he had given them and not to deviate from that. It is a salutary lesson for us in this turbulent world.

The Holy Gospel according to Luke 9: 28-36.

Here we have Luke slightly altering the accounts in the other Gospels. Jesus takes Peter, James and John up a mountain and whilst Jesus is at prayer he is illuminated like Moses, after he had been in conversation with God, and in Luke’s account Jesus is in conversation with Moses and Elijah. They are discussing Jesus’ departure (death) in Jerusalem. Once again Jerusalem figures very importantly for Luke’s Gospel. The overshadowing here reminds Luke’s readers about what happened to Mary at Jesus’ conception when the Holy Spirit overshadowed her. Luke softens the end of the vision by saying that the Apostles never spoke of this event, rather than receiving a command to tell no one. It reflects Luke’s very gentle nature. We also are given a glimpse of the Glory of Jesus that awaits our encounter with him. God will introduce him to us as “This is my Son, the Chosen One – listen to him.” It should fill us with confidence and wonder at the person we are following to the Father under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. What a wonderful point in our Lenten Fast to behold the transfigured Christ. God our Father, set our hearts on fire with love and thanksgiving for such a marvellous Saviour.

God Bless you All.
Deacon Vincent

Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

SYNOD Views - from Catholic Women

Are you now or have you ever self-identified as a Catholic woman? It is vital that feedback to the Synod includes the widest possible range of women’s voices from different cultures and contexts.

In collaboration with the University of Newcastle in Australia and the Catholic Women’s Council, Catholic Women Speak is conducting an online survey—available in six languages—to gather feedback from women around the world.

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** Update since - we have stopped taking donations **
Thank you to the team of helpers who came to sort, package, box, and label all the amazing donations we have had over the past week. We were overwhelmed to see such generosity. ❤️
These donations will be taken to the new storage facility tomorrow ready for this week's lorry to take them overseas. Thanks to the wonderful team at Emersons Green Village Hall who are organising the logistics.
****EXTRA HELP NEEDED - if anyone is free on Wednesday 9th at 10am to come up to the church to help load our cars we would LOVE a few more hands (easier to load 'chain gang' style).
Please contact the parish office by email: or call 0117 9833939 if you can help.
PLEASE KEEP DONATING items, if you are able to, as we can carry on for as long as we are told a lorry is going over... we've been advised that they really need T-SHIRTS & BOXER SHORTS at the moment for use in the hospitals, so if you are able to buy one or more of those items from a bargain shop perhaps it would be very much appreciated. (No 2nd hand please)

Our Parish Community 'Walk for Hunger', in aid of CAFOD, began yesterday.
A message from Bella:
Many thanks to the 12 of us who turned up for the walk on Monday, and to Fr Frank who blessed us on our way.
It was a really nice occasion to meet up and get to know each other better.
The next one is on 21st March, weather and God willing. Do look at the website for updates and if you would like, to sponsor us, or join us next time!


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** Update since - we have stopped taking items**
Ukraine Appeal Reminder:
Items can be donated directly to Emersons Green Village Hall or feel free to bring them to the Church if easier for you and we will get them to the right people for you.
See the list attached to see the sorts of things needed.
The church main doors will be unlocked from approx 8am until 5pm each day but they stay open later on a Tuesday, Friday and Saturday as Mass takes place during those evenings.
(If anyone would like to bring items outside of these times, please make contact on 0117 9833939 and we can arrange to take things in at the Presbytery (the white house) next door.)

God bless you all for your generosity. This truly is Christianity in action! #PrayForUkraine

Ash Wednesday 2022
~ Day of prayer and fasting for peace 🙏

“God wants us to be brothers and not enemies.

I pray that all the parties involved refrain from any action that would cause even more suffering to the people
May the Queen of Peace preserve the world from the madness of war.

We Pray Together for peace in Ukraine”

Pope Francis.

Memorial Garden
We are pleased to have our beautiful Memorial Tablets back from the monumental masons.
We pray for all whose ashes are interred within our Garden of Remembrance & all who we remember on our memorial wall.
May their souls, and the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, Rest In Peace. Amen.

As you can see, the memorial wall tablets are now full, but we are working with the stonemasons to have additional tablets fitted later this year, so we can continue to add the names to the wall.
Plus, we have started discussions with a local firm to help us create a new communal memorial area so that we can continue to offer the choice of having ashes interred in the Church grounds for those who would like it.

More information on that as we have it.

Bishop Declan has issued a Pastoral Letter for this weekend.

Here is a copy if anyone would like to see it in advance.

And you can view Bishop Declan reading this weekend's Pastoral Letter here: