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Parishes in Communion for Mission

First, we congratulate Fr Frank for his service to the parish and wish him the very best in his retirement at the start of September. 

Prior to COVID we all enjoyed a special & healthy relationship together as Parishes in Communion & Bishop Declan is keen that we re-establish these connections & rediscover our original enthusiasm to work as a larger pastoral area for mission & mutual support. 

To this end, he has appointed me as overall Priest in Charge of this mission, consisting of our 4 parishes in Kingswood, Frenchay, Downend & Chipping Sodbury with Yate. My duties will include overseeing the management of the Fabric and Finance and all Policy making bodies and will attend all meetings. 

In this, it is hoped to maximise the ministries & talents of all the parishes for the good of the whole, with the sharing of best practice and experience.

With joy, we also report that the Bishop has appointed Fr Barnabus Page to be resident at St Augustine’s who will work in partnership with Fr Jim. When Fr Barnabus arrives he will assume all the day-to-day pastoral duties of the parish & work alongside all of us for the larger mission.

God Bless, Fr Jim Williams, Priest in Charge

St Nicholas' Mass for the LGBTQI+ community

Our friends at St. Nicholas of Tolentino RC Church, Bristol are hosting their monthly Mass for Catholic members of the LGBTQI+ community, family, friends, and allies on 21st August.

See poster for information.

World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation
The Holy Father’s message for this year’s Celebration of the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation implores the world to “Listen to the voice of creation” and hear its bittersweet song: sweetly praising the Creator, bitterly lamenting our mistreatment of nature.

Worried about this mistreatment, the Holy Father calls for bolder action from all nations during this year’s COP27 and COP15 summits on climate change and biodiversity.

A Message from Christian Climate Action.

Training day in Bristol - Saturday 3rd September, 10 am to 4 pm, at St Werburgh’s Community Centre (Horley Road, St Werburgh's, Bristol BS2 9TJ)

The extreme hot weather that we have experienced this summer has probably made us all think more about the climate crisis. If you feel you’d like to get more involved in encouraging the church and the state to act as though the climate crisis is real, Christian Climate Action might be the group for you. Come along to our training day in Bristol to find out more about CCA, and the kind of peaceful protests that we take part in.

As well as providing first-time training for new members, this event will also act as a useful refresher for established members, with the opportunity to go deeper into the Biblical basis for non-violent protest and to reflect on the challenges of staying non-violent in action.

Free, although donations welcome to help cover costs. Book here:

And here is the Facebook event, which you can share, or use to invite your friends:

Thank you to Deacon Vincent for his Reflections for 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

1st Reading from the book of Ecclesiastes 1: 2; 2: 21-23.
This opening phrase is very famous and often quoted. It virtually means emptiness, literally “a breath”. This is not the vanity of sitting in front of a mirror and admiring oneself. No, It is best described by the waste of time and energy in achieving things, that inevitably will be left to somebody else, so the question is asked, “What is it all about?” This book is the only one that explores and discusses time. The shortness of life and being careful how one spends their time and for what purpose. It sets the theme for today, which is about getting our priorities right. We need to seek the things that lead us to a good relationship with God.

Psalm 89: 3-6, 12-14, 17.
This song picks up on our theme for today, “The shortness of Life.” Again we encounter the vanity theme of emptiness, life is over in a breath of time. Like the grass we flower and bloom and by evening blowing away in the wind. We should look to the radiance of God and let God direct the work of our hands.

2nd Reading from the letter of St. Paul to the Colossians 3: 1-5, 9-11.
For Paul, being a follower of Christ makes a visible difference. Our hearts are set on God and looking upwards, and that means that some kinds of behaviour are ruled out., whilst others are expected. All that matters is Christ and that rules out all kinds of artificial distinctions. It is a continuation of our theme of trying to get our priorities right. God first in everything, and the best way of achieving this goal is by following Christ, going from Gospel to life, and then from life to Gospel.

The Holy Gospel according to Luke 12: 13-21.
This passage only appears in Luke’s Gospel and is an indication of his negative attitude to wealth. We believe he was a physician so he would have seen the behaviour and obsessions of the wealthy with things, rather than seeking the things of heaven. This would most probably have been a bit of a shock to wealthier members of the Community. Wealth and riches were viewed as a gift from God for a good life, but in most cases, they forgot that with the gift went responsibility for how that wealth was used. The Gospels all look to wealth being used as God would expect of those who are following in the footsteps of Jesus, such as the relief of the widow and orphan, the downtrodden and poor. Wealth in itself can be a cause for good when used in the way Christ expects of his brothers and sisters. This week we are being asked to reflect upon how our lives are going and to take time to adjust areas of selfishness and self-centredness.

God grant us the gift of perception.
God Bless. Deacon Vincent.

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Please see info below from St Joseph's, Fishponds.

St Joseph's Parish Pilgrimage to the Holy Land has finally been rescheduled!! (A once-in-a-lifetime experience to truly walk in the footsteps of Jesus!)
We are going on our Pilgrimage to the Holy Land from 28th Sept to 8th Oct and, due to its postponement because of COVID, we still have a few spaces left which we would love to fill!
The trip will include a visit to Petra in Jordan too and we will be flying out and returning via Heathrow (with a coach from Fishponds).
The total cost was £1650 (+ a single room supplement of £520 so sharing a room is cheaper and we can match you with someone else if happy to share!) BUT the Tour Operator is now offering a further discount to fill these last few spaces and the cost will therefore be £1500 (+ supplement)
We will be staying in 4-star hotels with breakfast, dinner and all tours included.
We would love others to join us!
Please contact the Parish office ( or call 01179833912) SOON if you are interested! (Offer only open until 15th August)

Thank you to Bella and the 'Live Simply' Team who shared coffee and ideas on Sunday to help "Fix the Food System"...

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Together we can help to "Fix the Food System".

Please join Bella and the 'Live Simply' Team after Mass on Sunday (17th) for coffee and to see a display of Graces written by the school children and info on the Fix the Food System work.

Deacon Vincent's latest reflections for 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

1st Reading from the Book of Genesis 18: 1-10.
This story is about three mysterious visitors to Abraham whilst his tent was pitched at the oak at Mamre. You will notice that despite his age, how Abraham rushes about to accommodate his visitors. He is displaying great hospitality like a good Arab should. Here is one of the earliest readings of God announcing the birth of a child to one of his chosen ones. God is introducing himself slowly but surely to Abraham. This man will be the Great Patriarch of the family of people that God will prepare to receive his only Son, Jesus Christ. One of the most significant things about those whom God encounters, is their ability to listen to what is being said to them. Abraham believes everything that is said, but his wife, Sarah who is listening from inside the tent laughs at the prediction of a forthcoming birth to her, because she thought she was way past childbearing. But we now know that there is a birth to Sarah, and the great adventure of preparation begins. In our pride we quite often forget that God is in charge, all he needs are some good listeners, so he can point us in the right direction.

Psalm 14: 2-5.
The Lord’s tent is not a small back-packer’s tent, but a large spacious Bedouin pavilion, and he accommodates the righteous person who tries to live by his Law. This song really supplements the theme for today of hospitality and the ability to listen and follow God’s words.

2nd Reading from the letter of St. Paul to the Colossians 1: 24-28.
This passage is best presented as series of bullet points to the Colossians, highlighting the way Paul wraps theology and pastoral practice closely together, for that is what drove him onwards to proclaim the Gospel to the Jews of the dispersal and the Gentiles. It illustrates how he viewed the Old Testament as the preparation for Christ, so that his wonders can be revealed to the Gentiles as well as the Jews. The goal for which he is labouring, is to be able to, “present everybody as perfect in Christ”. This should also be what we, the Church, is also striving to achieve. It is a very instructive letter for us to study.

The Holy Gospel according to Luke 10: 38-42.
This would have been an unusual story for early Christians as Jesus seems to be alone with two women, an unusual occurrence for a religious teacher. Martha is offering hospitality, but is busying herself with all the preparations, whilst Mary takes up the position of a disciple sitting at the feet of Christ, listening to his teaching. Martha forgets her manners and orders Jesus to instruct her sister to help her. Martha is so annoyed at her sister she doesn’t even use her name. However, Jesus is very mild in his rebuke to Martha, illustrated by the gentle way he repeats Martha’s name several times. Jesus tells us that the better part is listening to the Word of God and following it, than busying ourselves with the peripheries. Jesus, The Word, has the message of eternal life so it is important for us to familiarise ourselves with his teaching and absorb it into our hearts, so that we can automatically know how to respond to the ever-changing environment we find ourselves surrounded by. If we can install Jesus into our hearts and minds, then we can face any trials that come our way. There is a wonderful saying, “We should go from Gospel to life, and life to Gospel.” Let us wrap ourselves in the Lord.
God Bless you All. Deacon Vincent.

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If your child would like to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion for the 1st time in 2023 please submit details to the Parish Office.

This will be for candidates who will turn 8 in the next school year, 2022-2023, and any older children who may have missed out over the past few years.

If you wish to apply for your child please get a form by emailing or picking one up from the parish office. The deadline for returned forms is 28/8/22.

The course will possibly start in Sept/Oct of this year, meeting monthly on a Sunday morning after Mass, through to June/July 2023 when the Sacramental Mass will take place, but we will know the definite plan over the next few months when our new Priest arrives and will keep in close communication with all the parents who submit an application.

Thank you

Fr Frank's Retirement Mass

If you have not yet booked a place at the special celebration Mass on 21st August, please do so using this Eventbright link, so that we can plan for catering purposes. (We'll need to know how many Mars bars to buy! haha)
Thank you

Thanks, as ever, to Deacon Vincent for his reflections for 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

1st Reading from the book of Deuteronomy 30: 10-14.
Deuteronomy is one of the most influential in the entire Old Testament. It’s format takes the form of the Second Reading of the Law, and it could be argued that it forms Israel as “People of God.” It offers a vision of how Israelite society ought to be. This particular section follows an exhortation for the people to turn back to God, and this gives us to understand that if we absorb the teachings of the Law, it will be instilled in our minds and hearts, and so assist us in following and keeping not just the letter of the Law, but the spirit of the Law for the Word of God is very near to us. We do not have to struggle to find or hear it, our whole being is enveloped in the teaching and observance of God’s Word. The Ten Commandments are not a series of gloomy prohibitions from a tyrant but an expression of personal love on the part of God, and so it is for this reason that Israel is forbidden from flirting with other deities. “To love the Lord our God is to listen to his voice and hold fast to him.”

Psalm 68: 14, 17, 30-31, 33-34, 36-37.
This is a song crying out to God for help, it begins describing their traumatic situation and gradually assumes an air of great confidence and the assurance of being heard. It reminds us of the God who is always listening. Even when things are at their very worse, he is always labouring to put things right.

2nd Reading from the letter of St. Paul to the Colossians 1: 15-20.
This is often described as a hymn to Christ, perhaps one used in the liturgy at Colossae, to which Paul has added some elements to make a theological point. Some scholars are not quite sure what it is, however, it sings about Christ as the prime figure in creation and in redemption. Some view it as a meditation on the opening words of scripture, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” It is amazing to be able to join with our forebears in the faith, right at the very beginnings of the Church and sing a hymn in unison with them to the glory of Christ.

The Holy Gospel according to Luke 10: 25-37.
This is the first of many wonderful Lucan parables. This episode is also related in Mark, and Matthew’s Gospels, each with its own differences. Lawyers do not get a good press in Luke’s Gospel, whereas Samaritans are usually acclaimed. The road on which this story is set will, no doubt, have been familiar to most of his hearers, as will its perils, for it runs through the desert, with hills on either side, ideal country for brigands to way lay unwary strangers. The best stories always show those who should have helped, passing by on the other side of the road, but we think that they would have had a shock when it is the hated Samaritans who do the right thing. Concluding, notice how Christ then turns the story from a tale to ponder over, to one of action, “Go and do the same yourself.” We are not just told what is right and who is the hero, but we are challenged to go and do likewise. Following Christ is a journey, which requires action in assisting our neighbours, not just thinking good thoughts. We are always challenged by Christ to activate our faith in good works. Christianity is not a passive experience; it is a total way of life. Let us always Thank God for opening our eyes to the joy of assisting people in need.
God Bless us all, as we journey onwards towards Him.
Deacon Vincent.

Confirmation 2022

Confirmation 2022:
After a successful programme and lovely celebration Mass last month, here are a few words from programme organiser Ann Marie Feldman.

"Thank you to Bishop Declan for celebrating the sacrament of Confirmation on Thursday 9th June. It was a wonderful celebration for the 35 young people who chose to commit themselves to their faith as they were confirmed. It was a pleasure to see each and every one of them confidently stand to say ’they were ready and willing’ to be confirmed.

As a parish family, we pray that the Holy Spirit will strengthen and enlighten them as they continue their spiritual journey. May their faith in God flourish as they grow into adulthood. Let the fruits of the spirit shine through their actions. Come Holy Spirit and fill their hearts. Let them know your love and help them to live life to the full with the guidance and support of you.

The Confirmation Mass was solemn and beautiful and we offer a big thank you to everyone who made the evening a big success - Bishop Declan, Fr Frank and Fr Jim, Deacons Mike, Vince & Kevin, music by Chantal, Patricia and Nigel, Bernadette, ushers, parishioners who organised the gathering afterwards, and all the friends and family that came to support them.

After the difficulties of the past few years, it really was uplifting as well as emotional, to be able to celebrate this sacrament together again as parishes in Communion.

We, as catechists, would like to congratulate all the young people who received this sacrament and would like to say how proud we are of how hard they have worked to prepare for this evening. Your smiling faces said it all!

Well done to all of you. Remember you are the church of tomorrow."

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Our Parish Project fundraising team
invites you all to come along for a 'charity day', in aid of our 2 projects; Grassroots Suicide Prevention and The Patrick Wild Centre.

On Thursday 21st July the event is being held at 11 Meadow Close (BS16 6QS) from 10.30am until 5pm.
Pop over for a cuppa, home-made cake, and browse the crafts on sale.

Please see the post, below, from our Primary School and contact them if interested in applying.
Inclusion for all
The monthly Celebration of Mass for Catholic members of the LGBTQI+ community, their family, friends, and allies
will be a little different this month - please see the poster for details.

Missio Mass

Everyone is welcome to the Missio Mass with Bishop Declan on Tuesday 12th July at 7pm in Sacred Heart Church.