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* As the positive COVID case rates locally are dropping, vaccine rates are rising and so life is starting to become a little safer, we hope to have news at the start of next week about the date when our public Masses will resume. 
Please check back on our website or Facebook page next week for an update.*

St Augustine's Not So Young Club 
A message from the chairman and committee February 2021

To all the club members, we wanted to assure you that as soon as we are able we will re-convene our monthly meetings. We have missed seeing each other and enjoying the company and friendships we have amassed over the years.
Covid has had an adverse effect on all social activities. The recent introduction of the coronavirus jab has given much optimism that things may return to something like normality in the near future.
As chairman I would like to thank the many contributors to the amusing videos and 'funnies' that have been sent to me. I have sent as many of them (that have been passed by my censor!) on to those of you on e-mail.
Also the weekly Not So Young Club quiz has been enjoyed by many of you and I will continue to send these out. There have been many spoons of excellence issued to those getting all questions correct.

Your committee keep in touch from time to time and as it has been some time since we last met you might wish to be reminded of the current members of the committee:-
Chairman                  Mike Ryan
Secretary                   Julie Lee
Treasurer                   Chris Holmes
Assistant Treasurer   Biddy Collins
Minutes Secretary     Jean Coombes

We want to use the St Augustine’s website and Facebook Page to advise you of any news regarding the club. So keep an eye on the parish sites...

Regarding the Club’s Annual holiday to Kent which has been held over from last year, we still have a booking which has been set for the week commencing Sunday 12th of September 2021. The itinerary is unchanged. So all things being equal and covid free, the holiday will go ahead as planned, although we will monitor it closely during the coming months. It is something to put in your diary and we can all look forward to and have a break this year.
Your membership will continue but we have agreed that there will be no annual subscription this year. We will look at this when we re-convene our monthly meetings
Please keep safe and well.
Mike Ryan - on behalf of the committee
Not so young club trips over the years...

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What a wonderful reflection shared by Plymouth Diocese.

Be kind... always.
Be that thread.

As we fast this Lent, and as CAFOD Family Fast Day approaches, we remember that everything we have comes from God, including the water we drink. Let's step back and consider how we can help others to get their fair share of this precious, life-giving gift.
Visit the CAFOD website if you are in a position to be able to donate for their life saving work.

Guardians of Creation” ecological project:
The Diocese of Salford has launched a new research project that Bishop John Arnold hopes will spearhead the efforts of the Catholic community in England and Wales to tackle the current ecological crisis by paving the way to a sustainable, carbon neutral future. The research team will collaborate with other dioceses, parish communities, industry experts, theologians and other groups to develop carbon accounting and environmental management tools that will lead to an implementation framework for use in other dioceses.
The two year pilot project aims to involve over 100 parishes and over 200 schools, alongside religious communities and other parts of the diocese. The study is part of the church’s response to what Pope Francis has described as the ‘cry of the earth and the cry of the poor.’ It will reduce the diocese’s carbon footprint, improve energy efficiency and generation, and facilitate greater involvement from parishioners and local communities.
Dr Emma Gardner, Head of Environment at Salford Diocese, said: “We need to take urgent action today to ‘protect our common home’. This project will help provide ways to address the ecological crisis through practical solutions and positive change. The Diocese of Salford is looking forward to working with other dioceses and organisations so we can play our part together.”
In 2019, the Catholic Bishops of England and Wales set out their commitment to engage in this urgent issue in their statement “Guardians of God’s Creation”. In the document, they pledged to avoid the worst consequences of this ecological crisis by engaging now and over the next decade on what they described as the ‘long path to renewal.’ Bishop John Arnold has responsibility for environmental matters at the Bishops' Conference, making his own Diocese of Salford the perfect place to begin.
The Right Reverend John Arnold, Bishop of Salford,said:“The Catholic Church recognizes the ecological crisis we are living through and is keen to play its part in delivering the UK net-zero strategy. We are looking to deepen our understanding of how to put a Catholic diocese on the path to carbon neutrality, and this collaborative research will tell us what needs to be done and what structures must be put in place to support this. I hope that the findings will assist organisations and institutions beyond the Church both here and abroad.”
Salford Diocese is collaborating on the project with St Mary’s University, Twickenham, and the Laudato Si’ Research Institute, Oxford, and is supported by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference. Other partners includingthe Tyndall Centre at the University of Manchesterwill be involved as the project progresses.
In December, the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, vowed to cut the UK’s carbon emissions by at least 68% from what they were in 1990 by the end of 2030.
Dr Roland Daw, the project’s lead researcher at St Mary’s University, Twickenham, said:“This work is about collective action that empowers the whole Church with the understanding, technologies and financing mechanisms it needs to speak to this urgent crisis. Statistics and doomsday predictions have not been enough to change behaviours in the face of this urgent crisis, so faith groups have as important a part to play in educating their communities as any others in society.”
The Vatican has been promoting awareness of the Pope’s ecological message contained in his encyclical Laudato Si’ and has called for communities around the world to become environmentally sustainable.Pope Francis has called for an ‘ecological conversion,’ whereby the “effects of encounter with Jesus Christ become evident in our relationship with the world around us.”
The project will take an ‘integral ecology’ approach at all levels, meaning that it will not just be limited to questions of carbon, but will consider wider social and environmental sustainability objectives. Integral ecology is a way of looking at the world that connects at depth our human life with God, each other and the natural world. By doing so it affirms human dignity and the special worth of each and every creature that God has made. It therefore informs our action at different levels, the individual, the family and society.
Celia Deane Drummond, Director of the Laudato Si' Research Institute, Campion Hall, said:“This is an exciting project that has the potential to pave the way for a systematic transition to more environmentally sustainable practices in the Catholic Church. The Laudato Si’ Research Institute is delighted to have the opportunity to support this pilot study as a partner, and to work collaboratively to address one of the most pressing ecological issues of our time.”
The Laudato Si' Research Institute in Oxford will help develop this understanding of integral ecology as applied to sustainability and carbon neutrality.
Find out more on the Salford Diocese Website: CLICK HERE

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Church Closure
Whilst we remain closed for the added safety of our parishioners at this time, we await the latest news from the Government and will keep everyone informed as to when we feel it is safe to resume public Holy Mass.
We have been asked to advertise the fact that St Joseph's Church in neighbouring Fishponds has public Mass should anyone wish to attend locally - the details of their Mass times can be found on their website/newsletter - click here to go to their website

Delicious Funds raised
A fantastic £50 was raised by Anna with her delicious chutneys! Brilliant!
This money will go towards our Parish Project The Patrick Wild Centre who we will continue to support for a further year.
If you would like a jar please let us know and we will put you in contact with Anna.

European Bishops
Throughout Lent, the Bishops throughout Europe will celebrate a series of Masses and invite us to join them in prayer for the more than 770,000 people throughout Europe who have died of Covid-19.
On Tuesday 2nd March, Cardinal Vincent will celebrate a special Mass at 5.30pm in Westminster Cathedral as part of this Eucharistic chain, and invites us all to join him via livestream at

Lenten talks
In this week's talk on the Diocesan "Dare to Dream" Lenten series, Fr Tom Finnegan talks from Trowbridge about the challenges of the 'desert' we have all been in over the past year and how to we need to learn how to live with the new days and challenges ahead.
"In the midst of everything remember that God is with us"
You can see the talks and look through lots of Lent resources on the Diocesan website. CLICK HERE

"The Invisible Suitcase"
A beautiful animation from Child Bereavement UK which explains dealing with emotions in such simple and effective terms.
Another useful charity contact should, you or anyone you know, have a child who needs support.
Please consider supporting charities such as this one in these difficult economic times for the charity sector ~ when fundraising opportunities are lower but the need for their services is higher.

Thank you Deacon Vincent for your reflections for 1st Sunday in Lent.
1st Reading from the Book of Genesis 9: 8-15.
Genesis means “origin”, or “birth”, or “coming to be”, it is a Greek word, the Hebrew name, being, “In the Beginning”. Hence, we have the Gospel of John commencing with the Hebrew title to the first book of Holy Scripture. Genesis is not meant as a historical book, but purely an illustration that everything begins and ends with God. It has a long and complex history, and we cannot be sure when it was written. We should allow the text to take us ever deeper into the mystery of God. The passage we have before us is just after the flood, when Noah and his family, together with the animals are disembarking, and God is addressing them, concerning his Covenant that he will now make, not just with mankind, but every living creature upon the earth. This beautiful image of the rainbow being a constant reminder of this Covenant. It is amazing that after thousands of years we are summoned to be reminded of the Israelites, looking up and being happily ensured that all will be well, and that they are dealing with a kindly and loving God, unlike the irascible and unpredictable gods of the surrounding cultures. It reminds us just how lucky we are to be baptised into this family of such a loving God, who does not just love mankind, but everything of his creation, the whole universe. It is an appropriate beginning to this celebration of our Lenten meditation.
Psalm 24: 4-9.
This psalm focuses upon requesting God’s forgiveness and help to amend one’s life. Just imagine the thousands of people who have reflected upon these words, endeavouring to turn away from sin and believe the Good News. Let us make use of this lent to reflect and follow the Gospel Life more enthusiastically in the future.
2nd Reading from the first letter of St. Peter 3: 18-22.
This is the end of a passage offering comfort to those suffering for the Gospel life. We need to focus upon Christ and see that he also suffered and so we have his consolation t help us through. Some scholars think this is a homily for those about to be baptised, hence the detailed instruction about the true meaning of baptism. Peter refers us to the passage we have read in the First Reading today, namely the flood that it was a loving God that saved Noah, his family and his creatures, by a type of baptism. Through the living waters of baptism comes new life, by the Spirit, it is not just a washing, but a re-birth.
The Holy Gospel according to Mark 1: 12-15.
Here we are looking at the results of Jesus baptism in the Jordan and his anointing by the Holy Spirit. Baptism is our common theme and the New Covenant. There is a breathless, urgent quality in the early chapters of Mark. The word that is used is usually translated as sent, but it is more urgent than that it implies that Jesus was hurled into the desert by the Spirit. Notice the starkness of the passage where immediately John is arrested, is the moment that Jesus mission begins. There is a great urgency in Jesus message. It is now a decision is required, and just like John he tells the people that they must repent, turn their lives around, and get their priorities corrected, but there is an addition, they must believe the Good News (Gospel); the Kingdom of Heaven is close at hand. The Kingdom is already here it is within our grasp, if we but follow Jesus Christ. This, “Way”, is the road to eternal life with our heavenly Father, a journey with its trials, but full of joy for those who embrace the journey. Let us take the opportunity of this lent to really work at amending our lives, and become happier and more loving people, for God’s sake.
God Bless you all & have a Joyous and Holy Lent.
Deacon Vincent.

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Ash Wednesday
Canon Frank celebrated Ash Wednesday this morning by recording a short Liturgy inviting us all to read along with the Psalm (pictured), listen to the Gospel, to think about what we can do this Lent in preparation for the Easter mysteries, and to pray for all those in the world who have suffered due to the virus and for those who see Lent as merely a word...
He also invites us all to bless ourselves or bless each other as we reverence the ashes.
These ashes will remain on Our Lady's Altar for the whole of Lent as a symbol of our togetherness, even though we are still (for now) apart. We pray for the day to come soon when we can be together again in Church, in safety, and in the strength and love of God and our parish community.

As Lent begins, please take a moment to consider what you can do in preparation for the joy of Easter.
Pope Francis offers us words of positivity in these dark times.

Musical Worship
Thank you to Martin Le Poidevin for sharing your talents with us.
Musical Act of Worship for 8th Sunday after Christmas.

Diocesan Reflection for the Week of Ash Wednesday
As Lent begins, we can pray, fast, give, make small changes and talk about them, make our voices heard for real change to protect the planet. One way is to say Grace before all Meals.
In Laudato Si the Pope asked us to revive the tradition of saying Grace before and after meals. We could extend the grace to a global gratitude, for the fertility of the world and the precious soil which produces the food, for the animals, insects and birds who helped its growth, for the rain, wind, sun, darkness, cold and heat which allowed it to grow, for the stability of the atmosphere and weather, for the farmers who planted, tended and harvested the food; we can ask forgiveness for the exploitation of the earth through overuse of pesticides, monoculture and overproduction, the industry which crosses the globe, and which stores and packages the food, and for the way our food is unequally distributed, leaving many hungry, who are homeless, jobless, refugees fleeing famine and conflict, and those who are too ill to eat. We thank God heartily that we have food and ask blessing and provision for all those who do not.

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Prayer for COVID19 recovery
We ask all our parishioners to stop for a moment and pray for all those who are currently ill with COVID-19.
We pray to God for their recovery and healing and also for their families and friends who may not be able to support them in the way they would wish to, due to the restrictions.

We ask this through Christ, our Lord.

Preparing for Lent
Reminder - We will be bringing you a special Liturgy by Fr Frank on Ash Wednesday at approx 11am on our website.

A great list of Lenten ideas from CTS - in a time where so many are already giving up so much, maybe we can look at Lent in a different way this year in order to be closer to God in preparation for Easter.

"Lent is almost upon us and you may be wondering - in a world where we have all given up so much already, how can you possibly give up anything else? If you're finding life tough at the moment, here are 6 suggestions to help you get closer to the Lord during Lent in lockdown:

🍽️ Don't force yourself to give up more than you can manage. Fasting isn't about making you miserable but directing your heart more towards God.
📖️ Treat yourself to a new Lenten book. The right spiritual book can help transform your heart towards God.
📿 Pray the rosary more often. The closer you are to Mary, the closer you will be to Jesus.
📱 Consider spending less time on social media. If you want to be less distracted, more focused, and to find God in the present moment, being on social media less will help.
🙏 Pray more for others. You could pray for those you miss or for those who are trying your patience; you could pray for Pope Francis' monthly prayer intentions, for the sick, for the dead, for keyworkers.
🤗 Don't be too hard on yourself. Lent will probably be a struggle for most people this year regardless of fasting. Ultimately, remember that fasting isn't a measure of your willpower and that it should always be more about God than about you.
Do you have any other suggestions for Lent in lockdown?
To find nourishment this Lent, find our selection of Lenten spiritual reading here: "

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Ash Wednesday
Fr Frank is going to record a short
Ash Wednesday liturgy for us all to watch (which we plan to upload at approx 11am on Ash Wednesday) in which we can experience Ash Wednesday 'together', virtually, from the safety of our homes.
Please check here on our website (or on our facebook page) from 11am Wednesday to watch, meaning that we will be able to mark this special day as a parish community.

Interestingly, a report was published in the Tablet today in which Cardinal Vincent talks about the new way so many people will have to celebrate the start of Lent due to the pandemic: (although Fr Frank isn't suggesting that Cardinal Nichols stole his idea!)

Here is a section of the article:
"The Church in England and Wales is preparing to celebrate Ash Wednesday under unprecedented circumstances, with Catholics in some parts of the country being urged to stay at home and bless one another with the sign of the cross to mark the beginning of Lent.
While churches in England are still open for public worship, Cardinal Vincent Nichols told parishioners in his Diocese of Westminster this week: “Receiving ashes is an outward sign of an inner step, a movement of the heart towards our beloved Lord. This year I invite you to concentrate much more on this inner, spiritual movement than on its outward manifestation in the imposition of ashes.”
Speaking to churchgoers in London, where the South African variant of the coronavirus has been detected in several boroughs, Cardinal Nichols said: “My suggestion is this: celebrate Ash Wednesday at home, with your family, in the household or ‘support bubble’ of which you are a part.”
In a pastoral letter due to be read out in diocesan churches this weekend, Cardinal Nichols outlines a form for marking the beginning of Lent in the home, starting with a time of prayer: “Bless each other by making the sign of the cross on each other’s forehead. Spend some time praying in a way that you know. But please, make this a prayer of your heart for God’s mercy upon this world struggling to cope with the terrible pandemic and the devastation it is bringing.”

Here is Bishop Declan's Pastoral Letter to us all to read for the start of Lent.

Please visit the Diocesan Website for all the "Dare to Dream" Lent resources - with films, reflections and prayers it is going to be a fantastic resource for us all to be able to use during Lent.


Our Lady of Lourdes
Congratulations to our Sister Church in Kingswood and to all involved with HCPT The Pilgrimage Trust on this special Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes.
We ask Mary, our Mother, to pray for us and for the world at this troubling time, as we say together, Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death.

HCPT - 1st apparition of Lourdes - 11th February 1858
163 years ago today the 14-year-old Bernadette Soubirous was out gathering firewood and bones with her sister Toinette and a friend at the Grotto of Massabielle outside Lourdes.
Removing her socks in order to cross the stream, Bernadette heard a noise like a gust of wind. She looked up towards the Grotto. She later said, “I saw a lady dressed in white, she wore a white dress, and equally white veils, a blue belt and a yellow rose on each foot.”
Bernadette made the Sign of the Cross and said the Rosary with the lady. When the prayer ended the Lady suddenly vanished.
On realising that she alone had seen the lady, Soubirous asked her sister not to tell anyone what had happened. Toinette, however, was unable to keep silent, and told their mother, Louise Soubirous. Because their mother had suspected the children were lying, both girls received a beating, and Bernadette was forbidden to return to the Grotto again.
A few days passed and Bernadette asked for permission to go again with her siblings. It was granted.

Christian Climate Action Bristol.
these events, organised by the local Bristol branch of Christian Climate Action, taking place on Ash Wednesday.
1. A day of prayer – From 7.30am to 6.30pm we are encouraging people to pray in their homes, or wherever they are. People can sign up for a one-hour slot on the prayer rota, if you would like to do that please email:
2. An evening service – 6.30-7.30 pm, on Zoom. An opportunity to come together for an hour to share prayers, readings and silence as we reflect on the Earth, our common home. Acknowledging the climate and ecological crisis, giving space for repentance and climate grief. Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent, is a good time to consider our failings and pray for the future.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the service.

With Lent approaching and starting during the half-term break, why not visit the CELEBRATE site and download the family pack of resources for use during the 40 days and 40 nights of preparation for Easter....

Thank you Celebrate!

Aid to the Church in Need (ACN)
A bishop in northern Brazil has spoken about the Church’s struggle tackling a fatal oxygen shortage – which has led to more than 50 additional deaths among Amazonas State’s coronavirus patients over the last week.
With Brazil’s COVID-19 deaths exceeding 225,000, the Church has provided logistical and other support in the state, where rivers are the main means of transportation between towns, as there have been problems getting essential supplies such as oxygen to hospitals.
Read more at the website of
Aid to the Church in Need UK
and if you can, please consider supporting them with their vital work to help those who are in such dire need...

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Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage 2021
It is with regret that we announce that there will be no Diocesan and Catholic Association Pilgrimage to Lourdes this year. The Pilgrimage, which was scheduled for 21-27 August 2021 has been cancelled in light of the on-going effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. However, we will be announcing a schedule for special virtual events throughout 2021 and the virtual Pilgrimage programme very soon.
We understand how disappointing this decision will be for many of our past pilgrims and those hoping to travel to Lourdes this year.
Over the last number of years, we have offered an ‘online presence’ and ‘Virtual Pilgrimage’ experience whilst in Lourdes, where everyone is able to follow the Pilgrimage daily and experience the Homilies and reflections with those in Lourdes, at home. This year we are busy planning some special moments for 2021 that will enable us to still celebrate the miracle of Lourdes. We look forward to welcoming you all to our ‘virtual Pilgrimage’ once again and to our events programme throughout the year.
More details will be available on the Clifton Diocese website soon!

World day of Prayer
Fr Liam Slattery at St Peter’s in Gloucester will celebrate a Mass for the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, and also mark World Day of Prayer for the Sick at 7.00pm on *Thursday February 11th*. This Mass will be live streamed on the homepage of the Diocesan website.
The Catholic Association will follow the mass with a Rosary live streamed on their website at 7.45pm. The details of this will be available soon on the Diocesan website

St Josephine Bakhita
O God, who led Saint Josephine Bakhita from abject slavery
to the dignity of being your daughter and a bride of Christ,
grant, we pray, that by her example
we may show constant love for the Lord Jesus Crucified,
remaining steadfast in charity
and prompt to show compassion.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.

Prayer Marathon
All Christians are invited to participate in an online Prayer Marathon on Monday, 8 February, marking the 7th International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking. The online Prayer Marathon will be live-streamed on YouTube:
Further information is available on the International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking website:

Father Albert Ofere is a Nigerian priest serving at English Martyrs Catholic Church in Wembley, north west London. Last year he contracted Covid-19 and was admitted to nearby Northwick Park Hospital - something he describes as truly frightening. Father Ofere has learnt much from his near-death experience, not least that the virus attacks indiscriminately: "I speak from experience. Covid-19 is real and is causing havoc. We are all affected, directly or indirectly, regardless of nationality, race or class." Vaccination is a key part of the pandemic exit strategy. Fr Ofere has received the Covid jab: "Through the ingenuity of science vaccines have been made and I couldn't wait to receive mine... If you have been through what I have been through, you will not hesitate to go for your vaccine."

Synod of Bishops' appointment
Pope Francis Saturday appointed a Spanish priest and a French religious sister as under-secretaries of the Synod of Bishops. 
It is the first time a woman has held a position of this level within the general secretariat of the Synod of Bishops. CLICK HERE to see the whole article
Photo-Sr. Nathalie Becquart (third from left) poses with Pope Francis and others during the youth synod in 2018

Thank you Deacon Vincent, as ever, for sending us your reflections on this weekend's scriptures:
Reflections for Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
1st Reading from the Book of Job 7: 1-4, 6-7.
The book of Job is a fascinating book, in that it wrestles with that eternal problem of innocent suffering. Whether the authors provide an answer to this terrible constant problem, will be for each reader to decide. Part of the book is very early and the later embellishments possibly as late as the 4th century BC. We can glean how a particular generation of Jewish thinkers read the book. The first part of the book, Job is undaunted in his devotion to God. The second part, we see Job is impatient with conventional answers and becomes almost rebellious against God. It poses the old idea that one must have done something evil to have things go wrong, so Job ought to confess his sins and put things right with God to get his good life back again. His So-called friends urge him to confess, Job refuses and perhaps quite unexpectedly his fortunes are restored again. It is very interesting to come across a person arguing with God and opens to us an avenue to debate with God. He always is available to us, to hear our point of view and correct or direct us in the right direction. It is a book full of wonderful insights into the human person under pressure from affliction. This section Job is contemplating to drudgery of life, especially when in pain. There is no relief to be found, and he is suffering from depression. It is very descriptive of this illness, and very moving. We can equate with Job a lot in this book, it covers the human experience so beautifully and so starkly. It fits very much with our current problems so is of immense assist to us.
Psalm 146: 1-6
It is a beautiful song of praise building on the reading from Job, we see how God binds up the wounds and heals the brokenhearted. It is a song for this period in our journey, where we are much in need of healing. It assures us that we can rely on the Goodness of God.
2nd Reading from St. Paul’s 1st Letter to the Corinthians 9: 16-19, 22-23.
Paul is explaining to the Corinthians that Christian freedom does not mean we can do what we like; it is constrained by keeping the Law of God, as also consideration for others. This section he is explaining that although he is entitled to material support, he has provided for himself by his trade of tent making. It illustrates his attitude to his call and how he tries constantly to live the Gospel life, that he is preaching. It is a wonderful insight into the person of Paul himself in his strident efforts to keep the Corinthians on the straight and narrow. It still talks to us today.
Reading from the Holy Gospel according to Mark 1: 29-39.
It shows how Jesus effortlessly heals Peter’s mother in law, and also how indifferent he is to questions of ritual purity, by touching, firstly a woman and also one who is close to death. She is immediately able to serve, which is the great task of Angels, Jesus himself, as also his Disciples. We get an insight into the chaos and constant demands upon Jesus. His impact is immense, and the entire city was drawn to the doorway. Jesus also forbids the demons to speak, he does want them to announce who he is, the people will have to make up their own minds, as indeed it is the same for us, in our journey of discovery. We also find that Jesus needs to pray, but Peter, who is already taking on a significant role amongst the disciples is not too sure of the value of prayer, we shall encounter this dilemma later on in the Gospel. If Jesus felt the need to pray, how much more should we also take up his example and ray constantly for continued strength and courage to live the Gospel life, and give glory to God for is Goodness, and ask him to look after all those in need.
These Gospels are our guide to following Jesus, we should pour over them and constantly embrace them and absorb them into our whole being.
God Bless you all and keep safe.
Deacon Vincent

If you or someone else is experiencing difficult thoughts and feelings, there are people ready to help. Here are a few resources available for young people.