New Parish Rota - a clean slate!
It is now time to ask our parishioners if they wish to join a new parish rota when it re starts at some time in Sept/Oct. I will be working on this during August and Sept and as yet we have no start date but we will continue to be guided by safety for all concerned - but it is good to make plans!
We appreciate that for many people who were on our rota before March 2020, things may have changed and they may not want to, or be able to, restart their past rota duties. And some people might want to change roles or join something new... We will not make any assumptions. It is a clean slate!
So, if you would like to be part of the new rota, whether you were on it before or wish to join now, please could I ask you to send me an email to: confirming;
- which role/roles you would like to be part of from the following list;
- pick as many as you would like
- and please state if it is for a SUNDAY or SATURDAY Mass, where applicable?
-Eucharistic Minister *for those who were already a Minister
-Children's Liturgy Team
-Refreshments after Sunday Mass
-Church Cleaning during the week
-Providing Music during Mass (playing an instrument / joining a group - please let us know if you can help as we need new musical volunteers)
-Flower Group
(We no longer need a counters rota as we are planning a new process as things have changed so much since lockdown - so a big Thank You to all our past 'counters' - we may call on 1 or 2 of you individually to ask for help under the new procedures)
We won't start the roles back until all is safe to do so, plus some roles may be different when they restart so more planning may be needed within those teams (i.e. Children's Liturgy).
I will pull all this together over the next month and keep you all posted.
If you have any questions about the roles please email and we will get back to you.
Much love from Bernadette, on Fr Frank's behalf
St Augustine's School's 50 Anniversary
We are celebrating our school's anniversary in September with a special Mass and a visit by a Circus -more details follow soon.
If anyone has any photos or written recollections in regard to our School that might be suitable to go on a display board or School website, please can they e-mail
Many thanks.
Diocesan Marriage Mass
Bishop Declan is celebrating Mass in the Cathedral on Saturday 2 October (12 noon) and is inviting all married couples to join him. Please come along to join in with this Mass to help pray for all marriages.
If you are just married, engaged or have a special anniversary this year, please make contact with Sarah Adams by email at
Reflections for 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
1st Reading from First Book of Kings 19: 4-8
Ahab the king of Israel had told Queen Jezebel what Elijah had done whilst she was away, how Elijah had all her priests killed. At this Jezebel swore vengeance on Elijah, so this is where this passage takes up the story. Elijah is terrified and runs for his life, he left his servant at Beersheba and went on a day’s journey, then collapsed exhausted and downcast, he has had enough and just wants to sleep and die in his sleep, but God has not finished with him yet, so he sends his angel to wake him and feed and water him, he had the gifts and went back to sleep, but he is awakened again with more food and water and told to eat, drink and travel on to Mount Horeb, God’s Holy mountain. If you like, this is a story that should make us realise that God determines our life span. He has work for Elijah to do, so despite Elijah deciding it was time for him to die, God shows us that only He can and should decide our life span. We, as baptised members of his family, have a destiny to work for him, in whatever way God chooses to use us. It might be dramatic events like Elijah or quiet events like Joseph, Mary’s husband, whose quiet task was to look after Jesus until Jesus reached manhood and was ready for Ministry. We must learn to trust God and put our whole lives in his hands.
A beautiful song of thanksgiving. It is a call to trust in his goodness and ability to look after us and keep us safe, even in times of trial.
2nd Reading from the letter of St. Paul to the Ephesians 4: 30- 5:2.
This section continues Paul’s treatise on the behaviour of those of us who belong to the Body of Christ. He is to be our model, we are to be forgiving as Jesus was to his persecutors, and to be kind, not shouting or using hurtful words. We are to strive to “imitate God, as children of his that he loves.” We need to be prepared to sacrifice ourselves for each other following Jesus own example in purchasing us by the sacrifice of his own life. It is a huge challenge, but God will provide the grace we need to do his work for him here on earth, in his own family.
The Holy Gospel according to John 6: 41-51.
We continue from last week as we explore the depth of exactly what the Eucharist means. In John’s Gospel as in the Synoptics, Jesus always brings division. He is challenging our basic instincts and turning everything upside down. This bread that Jesus will give, is his flesh for the life of the world, and indeed our eternal lives. This will fracture his existing followers, who find this language intolerable. It still puzzles and causes strife within the Christian community today, but John is unequivocal. This bread is Jesus’ body, no ifs, no buts. This Eucharist is the greatest leap of faith, we will ever have to make.
God Bless You All & Keep Safe.