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Our Next Event!
Parish Project - Concert Night

A FANTASTIC £1,373.10 was raised at the Unity Singers Concert on Saturday night, all in aid of our 2 Parish Projects: The Patrick Wild Centre & Grassroots Suicide Prevention

A huge thank you to all who organised and ran the event & to everyone who came to join our evening of beautiful musical melodies.
The Unity Singers loved seeing the audience so obviously enjoying themselves. The people gave them a standing ovation!

The evening was organised by Joanna Nash, whose husband James was a member of the choir.
Joanna said "This concert was originally planned by James and I to happen in 2020 but, of course, it didn't go ahead then. James was with us in spirit and watched over us and would have been singing along all evening. The music lifted everyone that evening and the choir certainly 'raised the roof'. It was very emotional and we all enjoyed singing along. I feel honoured that the choir came back to sing in James' memory."

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"LIVE SIMPLY" Group minutes ~ Friday 27th May 2022.

* 'Stitch it, don't ditch up' group is up and running, 4 people came and had a relaxed hour of mending, and we meet again on 9th June between 2.0 and 3.30. We plan to meet on 2nd Thursday of the month.
*Gardening in the parish grounds has a weekly meet at 9am till 10am, come when you can, so we can get some order with the overwhelming brambles etc, and so we can plant wildflowers with more success. Anyone welcome.
*There is a 'School Community Action Day' on 11th June, which may be an opportunity to help with developing the school grounds and children's awareness of the climate and creation.
*We have a provisional date for the parish walk on Saturday 9th July, which may or may not run on into the Prayer Group retreat day. It will start at 9.30 from St John Fisher and be about 6kms, accessible and beautiful. Thanks Joyce.
* Joyce, Moira and I are going to Hazelnut Community Farm tomorrow which is a church based round growing and sharing. Report back next time.

* In one of many climate meetings I attended, David Ko and Richard Busselato are financiers who have innovative ideas on the new economics needed, without jettisoning capitalism! They have a book, the Unsustainable Truth, which I am getting. They are actually doubtful that we can keep below 1.5, as are many climate scientists, we have wasted so much time. Their message is the climate crisis is happening now, hurricanes in Gernmany, unbearable heat in India 50+ and floods in Bangladesh, and will get much worse. It is essential we all cut down on energy use. However they have three cheerful things for everyone to do:
+Slow down - particularly postpone buying stuff, until you really need it, this way we stop the flow of stuff that we have to take to the tip or charity shop. We are using too much stuff. I have taken to giving as presents nice things I have rather than buying new, and I have not bought new clothes for nearly three years, I have mended and made some....
+Do less,- they are promoting June 12th as Lazy Sunday, do nothing, enjoy, rest, relax.
+Keep your sense of humour! - it isnt up to us to save the world but we can live better in it.
* This time of year, we can freely plant and produce share after Mass, as Hazelnut says, generosity is a gospel value, so if people want to give to charity they can but we share freely.
* The Laudato Si film is coming out, showing all the activity all over the world in faith and other communities. It will be available for private viewing at the end of the year, and we look forward to showing it in the parish.
* The Season of Creation is coming up, September 1 to October 4, and since we don't know what is happening after Fr Frank goes, we must make provisional plans and be flexible.
* Walk to COP27 is a virtual walk with 'townhalls' in 14 city stopping places on the way to Sharm el Sheik. This will be exciting to be part of and easier to do than walking in the flesh!
* We prayed at the beginning and end, and I was really struck by how much more serious the situation is than when we started. So congratulations to all of us who have been trying to 'Llive Simply', and be full of courage and determination, in spite of all that seems to be happening, that doing the right thing is the right thing to do!
Thank you all so much,
~Should anyone wish to join the "Live Simply" group, please make contact with Bella directly or through the parish office~

St Augustine's Primary School - Community Action Day 

Please c
an you spare a couple of hours to help us create an improved outside environment at Augustine’s Primary School? On Saturday 11th June (9.00am – 3.00pm) 

Any help with a range of fence painting and gardening / wildlife area planting activities would be greatly appreciated.  

Tea / coffee and light refreshments provided.

World Youth Day 2023

Clifton Diocese Dept for Adult Education & Evangelisation have organised three information sessions regarding #WorldYouthDay2023 in Lisbon.

These sessions will provide information about both the pilgrimage itself and the formation series leading up to the pilgrimage. The pilgrimage is for people aged 18-35 (18 years old by April 2023). We invite any young adults to join, even if they are unsure as to whether they want to go on the WYD Pilgrimage at this stage.
The dates for the info sessions are:
Tuesday June 7th – 7pm
Thursday June 9th – 7pm
Wednesday June 15th – 7pm

For your young people to sign up for one of the sessions, please ask them to email and let us know which session they would like to attend. These sessions will be on Microsoft Teams. If they are 18 by April 2023 but are not yet, please let us know so we can send a simple consent form.

St Gregory's Summer Open Mornings

Open Mornings which will be from 9am until 11am on Tuesday 21, Wednesday 22 and Thursday 23 June.
All visitors must book an appointment in advance via the school website at:

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Thanks Deacon Vincent for your Reflections for 7th Sunday in Easter Year C

1st Reading from the Acts of the Apostles 7: 55-60.
It brings the scattering of the early Church, accompanied by events of the first martyr of the Christian community, namely the Deacon Stephen. What is also interesting is the way Luke introduces us to Saul, as a willing participant in the stoning of Stephen. But it is an introduction to how powerful the Holy Spirit really is; for Saul (Paul), will be instrumental in taking the Church out into the wider world. The Apostles had not dispersed and scattered to save their lives, they had remained in Jerusalem to strengthen and fortify the fledgling Church. Only when the Holy Spirit determines the time is right will he encourage the missionary expansion. That Holy Spirit is still at work today and will move us forward when the time and conditions are conducive to the spreading of the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Psalm 96: 1-2, 6-7, 9.
This song is proclaiming the glory of God’s reign and the joy, righteousness and integrity that will accompany it. Our role is to help establish God’s reign in our present world.

2nd Reading from the book of the Apocalypse (Revelations) 22: 12-14, 16-17. 20.
So, the New Testament concludes, imploring the Lord Jesus to come, and this should be the approach of all committed Christians. This prophecy is to remain open and unsealed altering nothing in it. It affirms our faith in Jesus and encourages those who will suffer, and John is the witness by hearing and seeing all these things. The final words of the New Testament are omitted from this reading, but they are a beautiful epilogue “The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all the saints.” We are those saints for every Christian is called to sanctity of life, belief and practice.

The Holy Gospel according to John 17: 20-26.
This is part of what is often referred to as Christ’ priestly prayer, as he addresses the Father with a number of key points. The mutual glorification of the Father and the Son followed by the prayer for the people that the Father had given to him from the world, and the request to keep the little community in God’s name. Jesus goes on to warn them that the world will hate them. Jesus then prays for those whom they will teach (namely us.), that we may all be one, just like Father and the Son are one, with Jesus in us and the Father in Jesus. That we may become enveloped in Father and Son. It concludes as it began with the word “Love”. “The love with which you loved me may be in them (us) and I also may be in them.” A wonderful prayer to wrap us in that Love the Father has for the Son and through Jesus his love also transcends to us via the Holy Spirit. We are completely encased by the Love of God. We are truly Blessed.
God Bless you All. Deacon Vincent

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Parish Pastoral Council (PPC)

Click this link to see the latest minutes from the PPC meeting which took place last week.

Thank you to all the members of the PPC who are giving their time and efforts for the future of the Parish.

St Augustine's "HELP YOURSELF" store! For 1 week only!

Our 'Clear Out Morning' last weekend was fantastic!
Thank you to all 8 of you who helped us sort through many, many years of things that had built up in various unused storerooms.

In amongst the 'clutter' were also many items that had been kindly donated over the years but that the parish can't use anymore and they were too good to throw away...

So, we turned the church shop into a "HELP YOURSELF" store!
Some religious items and some regular things - from vases to icons, from old lost property to statues - all pre-loved and ready for someone to give a new home to. Lots of things were taken to their new homes last weekend which was fantastic to see.
Open before and after both Masses this weekend for the final time.
Come along, have a look, help yourself!

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No Mow May

You might notice that, as well as our rewilding area, our lawns are looking a little 'unkempt' at the moment... that's because we are taking part in "No Mow May"!

So look out for, and enjoy, some pretty flowers amongst the long grass this month whilst we do our bit to help out the planet's pollinators.

"As part of Plantlife's annual No Mow May campaign, research has found that simple changes in mowing can result in enough nectar for ten times more bees and other pollinators. In fact, their study discovered over 200 species were found flowering on lawns including rarities such as meadow saxifrage, knotted clover and eyebright.

To help wildlife thrive, the conservation charity is asking households to keep two lengths of grass, as well as leave some patches completely uncut. While most lawns should be given a monthly cut to boost short sword plants, there should also ideally be an area set aside for longer grass to thrive."


Laudato Si’ Week is being celebrated during 22nd – 29th May. It reminds us of our duty towards and celebration of creation. To learn more and to get involved, check out the links.

The Laudato Si’ Encyclical, which was published in 2015, is a letter to the world from Pope Francis.  in it he calls for dialogue and action concerning the care of what he calls “our common home”, and he urges all of us to take our duty to the natural environment, to animals and to poor people seriously.

The Laudato Si’ Movement (LSM) was formed as a result of the Encyclical. Under the umbrella of the Encyclical, it aims to activate the world's 1.2 billion Catholics to tackle the climate and environmental crises. To educate about and enable participation in this undertaking, LSM initiated an online Course.

The Laudato Si’ Animators Course was first opened in July 2020 to a world-wide audience of potential activists. The Course teaches how the Laudato Si’ (LS) Encyclical fits into Catholic Social Teaching, describes the causes and consequences of climate change and encourages a personal ecological conversion. Participants are encouraged to be environmentally active in their parishes and in the wider community.

Laudato Si’ Animators are people who completed the Course and then got together for mutual support, discussions, ideas and actions. We have a Network of around 90 Animators and green activists, covering the 22 Dioceses of England and Wales. Our aim? Simply to spread the message of the Encyclical throughout the Catholic Church, in an effort to educate about the environmental crisis and to inspire action which will help to combat the dire situation.

The Laudato Si’ Action Platform has been established by the Vatican's Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, in response to the Encyclical. It is designed to run for 7 years, encompasses 7 Sectors and has 7 general goals. We will all fit into one or another of the Sectors. The 7 Goals are designed to guide our actions. Under each general goal heading, actions are suggested for us to consider which will reduce our environmental footprint.

Thanks Deacon Vincent for your reflections for the Sixth Sunday in Easter Year C

1st Reading from the Acts of the Apostles 15: 1-2, 22-29.
This is a very short summary of a much longer story of the question of Circumcision in the Early Christian Community, a very difficult and potentially destructive disagreement between various elements of the fledgling Church. The question plainly speaking was that members from Judea had arrived at Antioch and insisted that to be a Christian, one had to be Circumcised. Paul and Barnabas entered into a hot dispute with them and eventually it was agreed to consult with the Church at Jerusalem for a ruling. Luke edits the conflict so as not to give too strong an impression of a major dispute, various opinions are expressed, and it is obvious compromise was being sought to prevent a major split.
Paul and Barnabas are sent with Barsabbas and Silas, leading men in the community to smooth things over. They bring with them an authoritative letter, stating that the community is to “refrain from food offered to idols, and blood, also animals strangled and sexual vice. Avoid these and you will do what is right.” It appears to have quelled the turmoil, but one suspects that the deep-seated opinions did not disappear overnight.
There is a lesson for today’s church in that apostles and elders need to validate decisions taken by missionaries in the field, to avoid splits and divisions. Unity is an important sign to the world of being at one with the Lord.
Psalm 66: 2-3, 5-6, 8.
This is a beautiful little song thanking God for a good harvest. It is always good for us to constantly praise God for his kindness and generosity.
2nd Reading form the book of the Apocalypse (Revelations) 21: 10-14, 22-23.
What a beautiful vision of the New Jerusalem. We shouldn’t worry too much about details but just bask in the splendour of it all. One thing to notice though is about the Temple and the assumption of the equality between God and the Lamb. This is the concluding vision, so the end is coming for the Roman Empire and those who live by it. God is the supreme ruler of the world, and his rule is a rule of love, light and beauty.
The Holy Gospel according to John 14: 23-29.
This is a restating of the centrality of LOVE in the new community and the disciples must love each other, and as a result will be loved by the Father. The Paraclete is John’s contribution to Christian theology, and translates like a one acting for the defence, or an advocate for us. His first function is to assure us that we are not alone and to teach us and remind us of all that Jesus had said and done. Jesus is anxious to assure us of our interrelationship continuing via the Paraclete, The Father and Jesus act and comfort us through this great Spirit, it sets us on fire with a burning love which overcomes all obstacles, and brings a peace that the world cannot give, a peace that enables us to be bearers of the Good News to all those whom we meet. We are truly a blessed people, so let us take courage and show the world what real and pure love really is, and the joy of being at one with the Lord.
May the Joy and Peace of God be with us All, now and forever. Alleluia, Alleluia.
Deacon Vincent

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Sunday Obligation
This weekend the following message from the Bishop's Conference of England and Wales was read out in all Churches.

It discusses the 'identity' of the church; participating in the Eucharist, whilst enabling us to worship God together and support each other on our journey in faith.
Attending Mass on Sundays and Holy Days is the greatest privilege of all... known as the "Sunday Obligation", which was lifted due to the pandemic.
So, from the feast of Pentecost, all Catholics are now invited to attend Mass in person once again as the pressing challenges of the pandemic have lessened significantly.
Please see the full details in the letter below.

CAFOD is running a Fix the Food System Campaign - Look it up at

Around ONE-THIRD of all food produced globally is lost or wasted. That’s 1.3 billion tonnes of food every year being thrown away globally.
The land it takes to provide just the food that we throw away is bigger than the size of India, and the water it takes is equivalent to 300 million Olympic swimming pools.
One study found that, in the UK, 9 per cent of strawberries and 19 per cent of lettuces grown ended up as waste.

To feed the current global population, we need to produce 3.7 billion tonnes of food per year. We are currently producing 4 billion tonnes per year.

Truly food for thought!

Thanks to Deacon Vincent for your Reflections for 5th Sunday in Easter Year C

1st Reading from the Acts of the Apostles 14:21-27.
This passage follows directly behind an incident where Paul had been stoned and the perpetrators thought he was dead, but the disciples gathered around him, and he stood up and so we enter this passage. He seems to have been re-energised by his experience, and even goes back into the city the next day, then they travel on to churches they had already visited only this time they set up the ecclesial structures to maintain, educate and attract new disciples. Paul illustrates his organisational skills in setting up whole new communities of faith to function without his presence. They, then return to Antioch to recount their mission so far and relate the great things God had done with them, and how the door of faith had been opened for the Gentiles. This tells us that great things can be achieved, but that there is always a cost and a risk to life and limb in preaching the Word. We should always remember our former priests and teachers who have passed on the faith to us.

Psalm144: 8-13.
This song rings out the goodness and greatness of God. We sometimes forget to ring out our thanks and appreciation of all that God does for us, day in and day out. The great miracles he achieves through his Holy Spirit enlightening specialists, doctors and nurses. We should always be thankful.

2nd Reading from the book of the Apocalypse (Revelations) 21: 1-5.
A truly beautiful vision of God with his people in a very intimate relationship and a whole new creation where all that threatens is removed. A tranquil new creation in harmony with God. It is one for us to ponder over. We sometimes forget the great good things that await those who are loyal and struggle along the Gospel Way. We are a truly Blessed people who follow the Lord to the Father, helped by His Holy Spirit.

The Holy Gospel according to John 13: 31-35.
The departure of Judas into the night, signals the glorification of Jesus. His glorification is interpreted in his absence from them, and they are to survive this traumatic absence by loving one another. It is in this love for one another that we will be known as disciples of Jesus. This is indeed a part of our life that we tend to skip over far too lightly. Jesus tells us quite emphatically that it is by our love for each other that his Gospel will be preached. St. Francis always used to say “Preach the Gospel day in and day out and if necessary use words.” This is a profound truth that we need to dwell on more and more and educate ourselves to really live out the Gospel message of “Love”; love for our neighbour as for ourselves.
This was Jesus’ answer to the greatest commandment “Love God above all things, and our neighbour as ourselves for his sake. On these two commandments hangs the whole of the Law.” So let us begin anew, with these words ringing in our ears.

God Bless us in this New Creation.
Deacon Vincent

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..ok... so it is not anything like this but I hope it got your attention!

Are you free & fit to help?
As we start the clear out of some overflowing storage areas of the Presbytery & Church, in readiness for Fr Frank’s retirement, please let us know if you can join us & you will be rewarded with refreshments & a warm feeling of helping thy neighbour! (The "God bless you system" as Fr Frank calls it!)

We can then offer good items that are no longer needed by the church for free to anyone who would like them.

Many hands make light work... please let us know if you can help. Thank you so much.

St Nicholas Church in Easton, once again, welcomes all Catholics from the LGBTQ+ community, their friends, families, and allies, to celebrate Mass together on 22nd May at 3pm.

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LIVE SIMPLY PARISH: 'Stitch it, don't ditch it'!

Thanks to Bella Harding and team who are starting a new group to meet up & stitch, mend or knit any projects you might have & to learn together some new methods.

It is called 'Stitch it, don't ditch it'.

Please come at 2.15pm on Thursday 12th May to the parish hall for just over an hour. Bring anything you like to do. And please come from the school if your children are curious about mending and sewing.
All are welcome to help make, reuse or recycle items that might otherwise be thrown away - plus, it is lovely to meet up with others, learn new skills and have a cuppa and a chat!

Confirmation 2022 - can you help?

On Thursday 9th June at 7pm St Augustine's Church is delighted to be hosting the Mass of Confirmation, with Bishop Declan, for the 37 candidates who have been preparing for this wonderful Sacrament for many months.

We would love to ask for help to be able to offer refreshments to people after the Mass - please message me on here or by email to the office if you are able to help out in a team to provide lovely welcoming hospitality!

Our Next Community Event.... You are all invited!

On Saturday 28th May we will be delighted to welcome the Unity Singers to entertain us with Musical Melodies!
7.30pm in the Church with refreshments during the interval.

Please come along to support this wonderful event, all in aid of your 2 parish projects, Grassroots Suicide Prevention and The Patrick Wild Centre.

James Nash, who passed away last year, was a member of the Unity Singers and so we thank them for coming to our church to help raise money for our projects as The Patrick Wild Centre was a cause so close to James' heart.

Tickets on sale next week - suggested donation £5 per ticket.

Thanks to Deacon Vincent for your Reflections for 4th Sunday in Easter Year C

1st Reading from the Acts of the Apostles 13: 14, 43-52.
This is the first of a pattern we shall come across frequently in Paul’s Ministry. In the passage before the one we are reading today, Paul preaches first in the synagogue and it is accepted but then it is rejected by them, after the opposition works on them, so Paul turns to the Gentiles and meets with great success as they are really excited by the Gospel. His fellow Jews became jealous of his success and tried to disrupt the meeting, then Paul quotes Isaiah 49: 6, which right at the beginning of Luke’s Gospel is quoted by Simeon in the Temple, “I have made you a light for the Gentiles,” This delights the Gentiles and angers the Jews who then work on the upper class ladies and men of the city, so both Paul and Barnabas are expelled from the city. The Disciples expect persecution, which fills them with, “Joy and the Holy Spirit”, these are closely linked in Luke’s view. Preaching the Gospel has never been easy, and it is constantly attacked both at the beginning and now. We are not loved by the world, but we have the Holy Spirit to fill us with joy, and that is priceless.

Psalm 99: 1-3, 5.
This very short hymn is full of references to the covenant, and it contains seven responses to what God has done. Seven reasons to praise God, and so there is always a reason to praise God.

2nd Reading from the book of the Apocalypse (Revelations) 7: 9, 14-17.
Clearly these people come from all over the world and are obviously martyrs, then we have this mysterious reference to blood being a bleacher and we all know that blood is the opposite of a bleach, so we are beginning to realise that God has turned everything upside down. This is exactly what the Gospel does for us, it turns worldly expectations upside down. To be befriended by God’s Son is priceless and worth sacrificing anything to retain it; even life itself.

The Holy Gospel according to John 10:27-30.
This passage happens in the Temple at the Feast of Hanukkah, which celebrated the dedication of the Second Temple after the Maccabean revolt against the Greeks. He is confronted and asked why he just doesn’t come out and say he is the Messiah. He answers that even if he told them they would not believe because they are not his sheep and so he expounds this wonderful description of his flock. We, who have been chosen, can never be lost, unless they choose to be lost. If we truly want to be one of his flock, then we cannot be stolen from him because Jesus and the Father are one and what is God’s cannot be taken from him. We are safe to eternal life, if we choose to listen to him and follow him to green pastures, allowing him to feed and water us. We are his flock, and he needs many helpers to feed and water us, so we must pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send many more labourers into his fields. There will be troubles as we see from the first reading and much opposition, and we face ridicule, but like St. Francis, let’s be “Fools for God”.

God Bless you ALL.
Deacon Vincent...
or as St. Francis would say, “Pax et Bonum” which translated means “Peace and all Good.”