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We hope that
everyone who is able to attend Mass feels happy with the way we are trying to keep everyone safe.
So far this week, during our weekday Masses, it has worked really well with everyone continuing to wear masks within the Church, sanitising their hands on the way in and out and, crucially, giving each other plenty of space whilst entering and exiting the building, and especially during Holy Communion time (which is no longer stewarded).
We thank you all for helping us to keep our parish community safe.
If you have concerns please see our steward who will be there to greet you as you arrive as they can show you where the safe space has been left, with socially distanced pews, at the front of the church.
We ask our congregation who do not have these concerns to please keep this area free at our busier weekend Masses whilst we work out how many people will need to use this facility.
God bless you all.

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Changes to the restrictions
You will see that we have made a few changes within the Church when you next attend Mass. These are in line with the information provided by the Bishops of England and Wales following the easing of restrictions.

Please read the new sign which will greet you are you arrive (along with one of our wonderful stewards!)

We still feel that our well ventilated Church is a safe place to visit and we encourage the continued use of masks and hand sanitiser and ask for responsible behaviour by avoiding getting too close to others whilst indoors, in order to add that extra layer of safety for the good of our whole community.

Should these changes cause you concern, we have kept a marked out area which remains socially distanced and where we insist masks are worn. This provides a place to sit whilst at Mass for those who may otherwise not feel comfortable to attend. We do not want to exclude anyone from attending so hope this helps those who feel uneasy about the lifting of restrictions.

We ask people to still book a place at Mass using the Eventbright link and use the QR code on arrival to assist with the test, track & trace programme.

These changes will increase capacity within the Church but there is still no obligation to attend Mass at the weekend, so please feel free to come along on a Tuesday at 7.30pm, Thursday at 10am or Friday at 7.30pm which have lower numbers attending.
Masses at the weekend are Saturday at 6.00pm and Sunday at 9.30am.

We hope to reintroduce music more and more over the next few months and start to bring back other aspects of our liturgy in time but, at present, Holy Mass remains a simple, shorter but still beautiful service.
We hope to see you all soon.

Let us pray for the world to recover from this pandemic and pray for those whose lives have been lost.
May God bless you all.
Fr Frank.

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We send loving Congratulations, on
behalf of the whole St Augustine's community, to Deacon Mike and Mary who celebrated a joyous occasion this weekend.
Happy Golden Wedding Anniversary to you!
May God bless you both on this wonderful milestone of 50 years of marriage.

(The only photo we could find of just the 2 of you together was on this 'Not So Young' Club trip to Cornwall in 2012!)

Faith leaders asked for help to spread the word...

The NHS Blood and Transplant service needs your help.
In April, we began collecting blood plasma from donations to make vital antibody-based medicines and we urgently need more people to make donations. These medicines – called immunoglobulins will help thousands of people with immune diseases.
NHS Blood and Transplant is asking for men between the ages of 17 and 66 to consider donating their blood plasma. Plasma is used to make antibody-based medicines called immunoglobulins, for people with weak immune systems and a variety of other rare disorders. Thousands of patients rely on immunoglobulin medicines for short-term treatment or lifelong diseases.
Men are more likely to have the blood plasma volumes and larger vein sizes making them ideal donors.
Donating plasma take about 45 minutes and is completely safe. During the process the plasma is filtered out of circulating blood by an apheresis machine and the red blood cells are returned to the donor.
By taking a few simple steps to help you will be making a real and lasting impact on the lives of so many patients.
To find out more about blood plasma donation visit our site or to become a blood plasma donor, please call 0300 123 23 23. "

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We are now planning for the next programme which will start in September 2021 with monthly (ish) meetings until 1st Holy Communion is received in July 2022.

In this new programme we are trying to accommodate both; the children who missed out this year (current year 3), as well as the new candidates who will turn 8 in the next school year 2021-2022.

If you wish to apply for your child please get a letter & form by emailing or picking one up from the parish office.
The deadline for the forms is 15/8/21.

Please be aware that, depending on the numbers applying and/or any restrictions, this “Plan A” may need to change. We will work to keep the plan as fluid as we can to ensure it goes ahead and will keep in close communication with the parents about any changes

Thanks, as ever, to Deacon Vincent for his reflections for this coming weekend - 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

1st Reading from the Prophet Jeremiah 23: 1-6.
Jeremiah can be summed up as how to cope with disaster. Because Israel were unwise to support Egypt and its Assyrian allies against the Babylonians, who defeat, however them, there was still a sizeable majority who supported Egypt in Israel and they rebelled against Babylon in 597 B.C. King Jehoiachin was taken off into captivity to Babylon. Zedekiah was elevated in his place to rule in favour of Babylon. However, he was unwise enough to rebel against Babylon and the city of Jerusalem, the Temple and its social structure was utterly destroyed. Finally there was a third invasion which in 582 B.C. which completed the destruction of the Holy City and all the prominent citizens were taken off into Exile (except those who fled into Egypt). So this is the background to reading Jeremiah. Obviously, the people had become disillusioned, because they thought they had been backing the wrong God and people were falling away from the Covenant. Jeremiah is saying “Woe to those who scatter and destroy the sheep of my pasture.” God is being, once more compared to the Good Shepherd, an ancient description for God. God is going to bring his flock back into the fold and Jeremiah uses the phrase “They shall increase and multiply.” A direct reference to Genesis creation story, so the implication is that this will be a new creation, a new people of Covenant. The promise is renewed to David’s line of a new king. Christians have always interpreted this as Christ, but we are not sure who Jeremiah was thinking of when he wrote this. But Christians looked back into scripture to see how they could interpret the Jesus story, and that is what is meant by “prophecy”. Jeremiah’s call is one of hope in the future, and that God really is going to Shepherd his people back to Israel.

Psalm 22.
This lovely poem, a favourite with most people in the Psalms, is written in great poetry. It pictures God as the ideal shepherd and also a guide and a host. God is to be trusted and to be used as a shelter from those who would lead us astray. We can trust this Shepherd!!

2nd Reading from the letter of St. Paul to the Ephesians 2: 13-18.
As you read this passage it is important to realise that Paul has already teased out certain themes for us. The uniting of Jews and Gentiles, the tension between the two, and the tangible difference Jesus makes he brings peace and shows us both the way to the Father. Everything is by Jesus and through Jesus. This is one of Paul’s main themes in his instructions to us. It is worth really digesting his message as it stops us getting above ourselves and always puts Jesus at the forefront.

The Holy Gospel according to Mark 6: 30-34.
The Apostles return from their missionary expedition, and they are eager to tell Jesus all about it, but the crowds have their eyes on Jesus and won’t give them a moment's peace. So Jesus showing great care takes the Apostles away to a quiet place to recoup and tell all, but the crowds guess where they are going and get there before Jesus and the Apostles arrive by boat. Instead of shooing them away, he takes pity on them, and he sees them like sheep without a shepherd. So, he sits down to teach them. He is the Good Shepherd, just like His Father in Heaven. Throughout our readings this weekend, we are shown the Good Shepherd. We can trust and rely upon God revealed in Jesus. We are his flock he loves and cares for us. We truly are Blessed.
God Bless you all and stay safe.
Deacon Vincent

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What a wonderful sound!
We ask for your prayers for the children making their 1st Holy Communion this weekend.
We thank God for the care and support of their families and for the hard work of the catechists and helpers who have helped make this rather delayed programme complete at last.
May God bless them all.
To try and make their service special in these difficult times, we have been able to organise live music to be played and sung for the congregation to listen to. Thanks go to 2 families (The Hedges and the Knights) and to Nigel Bird for making this happen safely within the restrictions.
(We took a sneaky video whilst they were rehearsing so we can all enjoy hearing live music back in our church after so very long.)
We hope it won't be too long until it is safe for us all to sing at Mass again.

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St Augustine's Primary School is celebrating 50 years!

It was founded in 1970 and although the plans may be a year behind schedule, we are delighted to join the PTFA in celebrating. So let's all enjoy some much-needed community fun together after such a difficult year and a half. Wednesday 22nd September could be our chance to get back together again in a safe, outdoor environment after so long apart.
EVERYONE is welcome, so tell your family, friends, and neighbours to come and join us. Let's get behind this lovely, nostalgic fundraising evening - not just for the kids!
Due to current COVID-19 restrictions, there will be two amazing shows instead of one just in case, at 5pm and 7pm. (The Big Top tent has capacity for 600 people but they will reduce this to 350 at each show. You will be seated in family groups with plenty of space to keep everyone safe and comfortable.)
Tickets for each show can be purchased via PTA Events from the 1st June. It is quick and easy to register with secure payments.
Adult Ticket £8
Child Ticket £6 (under 2’s on laps are free)
Family Ticket £26 (2 adults, 2 children)
If you have any queries with using the new payment system please let us know and we will help with purchasing.
Thanks to the PTFA at the school for organising the event.

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Congratulations to Fr Stephen Corrigan, ordained priest by Bishop Declan Lang this weekend in Clifton Cathedral. Please remember him in your prayers.

Latest news from our local foodbank at Resound Church, Mangotsfield

Dear friends and supporters
Please find attached our Summer 2021 shopping list.

Resound FoodBank will also be running a 'School Holiday Hunger' over the coming weeks, as in previous years, where we aim to provide extra food to families with school-age families who may face additional problems due to no free school meals. Our current shopping list therefore

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COVID-19 Update:
Following the Government announcement on Monday we look forward to the hope that the easing of further restrictions will bring to so many people and businesses, but recognise that some people may find this change difficult to deal with.
For now, we await news from the Catholic Bishops of England and Wales on what measures it is deemed sensible to keep and those we can dispense of within the Church. So, until we hear otherwise, our public Masses at St Augustine's will continue in the same way, with wearing of masks to be welcomed, even after 19th July, sanitising of hands, extra ventilation, social distancing, and communion under 1 form.
- We ask you to continue to book a place at Mass using our Eventbright link, so we can control the numbers coming into Church and also for the track and trace system. As usual, there is no need to print off/bring any tickets with you & remember, there is still no Sunday obligation so you can attend on any day of the week.
I continue to hear confessions AFTER 7.30pm MASS each Tuesday evening. If you wish to come to confession please stay in your seats when the Mass has ended (please don’t move seats to sit near to the confessionals) and then sanitise your hands before entering the confessional box.
We will continue to be led by the regulations and do all we can to help it remain a safe place to visit. We are very pleased that an average of 200+ people come to Mass over the course of each week - this is so encouraging as we all try to get back to normal life. We wish to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who has helped to keep each other safe.
God bless. Fr Frank

Living Simply Update
Please read the latest message from Bella Harding which mentions 2 fantastic, simple ways you can help the planet.
Tree Aid and The Catholic Petition

"Here are two things you could do this week in aid of our Live Simply commitment and saving the planet.
'Tree Aid' is helping build a wall of trees across the Sahara that will help with soil erosion, habitat loss, desertification and could transform the area in decades to come. If you donate before 11th July (this Sunday!) The UK Govt will double your donation
Also, there is something called the Catholic petition, though it is not just for Catholics (though wouldn't it be wonderful if all the Catholics and more in the world petitioned our world leaders to save the planet?)
Have a look and see if you can sign it.
I have signed up as a catholic petition promoter to get 500 signatures, so please help me if you sign by sending a quick email saying 'I've signed' to Bernadette in the parish office to pass on to me.
(Send your "I'VE SIGNED" to
Thank you so much and thank you for all the wonderful things you do.
Let's commit to heal our world and share God's gifts in faith and trust!

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Correction to the Newsletter:
The Mass intention on Friday 9th July at 7.30pm will be for Maureen Wells RIP.
We remember Maureen that day and send our love and support to Tom and the Wells family on her anniversary.

A message from the Department for Adult Education and Evangelisation:

"On Saturday 25 September we are looking to draw together catechists from around our diocese, as well as those involved in parish formation and evangelisation, as a way of offering an opportunity for conversation and formation, focusing on family catechesis.
David Wells and Ingrid La Trobe will help us to reflect on the role of parents in catechesis and give catechists the confidence to enable them to be the first teachers of their children’s faith.

The day will take place at St. John the Baptist parish centre, Trowbridge, and will start at 11am and finish around 4pm. Refreshments will be provided from 10.30am, we ask for catechists to bring a packed lunch.

Numbers will be limited for the day so please register early. You can register through this email:
Thank you."

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Diocesan Vacancies:
There are two new opportunities to work for the Diocese of Clifton within the Department for Adult Education and Evangelisation, details of which can be found on the diocesan website. 
Adult Formation and Evangelisation Officer 
  • Are you passionate about your faith and have a desire to share it with others?  
  • Would you like to support our parishes in their mission to be communities of evangelisation and mission? 
  • Do you have an interest in developing resources and working with a variety of different groups to deliver effective and dynamic sacramental preparation alongside accompanying parishes in their outreach to those seeking faith or simply curious?  

The successful applicant will need to be committed to the mission of the Church, a confident communicator, be able to promote the Gospel and support parishes to grow in their capacity to be places of mission and outreach.  

Caritas and Environmental Officer 
  • Are you passionate about our planet and how we care for it?  
  • Do you care about the poor and the vulnerable in our local communities?  
  • Would you like to be able to develop co-ordinated plans for action, working with parishes and schools in a Catholic setting?  

With two key aspects to this role, the successful applicant will need to have the confidence to ensure that both the Cry of the Poor and the Cry of the Earth are fully integrated into the life of our parishes and schools. 

For further information/informal discussion about the roles please contact Sarah Adams, the Director of Adult Education & Evangelisation on 0117 902 5595.  


The job description, personal specification and application form are available from 

Closing date for receipt of applications: 5pm, Friday 23 July 2021. 

Thank you Deacon Vincent for this week's reflections for 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

1st Reading from the Prophet Ezekiel 2: 2-5
Ezekiel was most probably amongst the first exiles to Babylon in 597 B.C. He was a priest who was called by God to convince the downcast exiles, that God had not deserted them and that he would eventually restore them to Israel. God appeared to Ezekiel in a vision by the River Chebar. It was a vision of God in his glory coming to them from the North. This passage follows the vision which threw Ezekiel down. God tells him to stand up to hear what he has to say to him. He stands and is told that he will be God’s prophet to the people of Israel, this is his commission. This rebellious people will know that I have raised a prophet from their midst. His task will be to hold the people of Israel together, and remain true to the covenant, so they will be ready and prepared to rebuild the Temple, when they are sent back to Israel. Even in the darkest times we must remember that God is there with us, always trying to bring us consolation and salvation.

Psalm 122
This is a song to encourage us to pay careful attention to God. Just as a slave or a servant is ever watchful of their mistresses or master’s needs and wants, so we need to be ever watchful and discerning of what is required of us.

2nd Reading from the second letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians 12: 7-10.
Paul has lost his patience with some people who seem to imply that they are above the gospel. This infuriates Paul, who has just finished letting the Corinthians know in no uncertain terms what he has achieved and endured, but now lets them know that it is not in strength that the Lord excels with us, but in our weaknesses, for when we are weak, we have to rely upon Jesus’ strength to shine through, with no confusion as to where the true power comes from. Paul had a very trying affliction visited upon him, what we do not know, but it was sufficient to disturb his peace of mind, and he begged Jesus to take it away from him, but Jesus told him “My grace is sufficient for you, my power is at its best in weakness.” Paul has to rely entirely on Jesus, because when he is weak, he knows that it is Jesus’ strength that enables him to carry on. Paul is entirely wrapped in Jesus, really he has nothing to boast about, because everything is from Jesus, through Jesus and for the Glory of God.

The Holy Gospel according to Mark 6: 1-6.

This is not an uncommon occurrence, the local boy makes good elsewhere, but everyone who lived with him before his fame, cannot move beyond the young man, they knew before. This happens frequently when a young person enters the religious life, people who knew them before, have a job to accept that they have matured and progressed. The Holy Spirit’s anointing changes us and if we co-operate with Him, we become absorbed by God and become a new creation. Jesus is hurt and offended by their lack of acceptance of him. This is the early heresy, viewing Jesus as just another local boy, unable to view the action of the Spirit of God moving and living within him. Those very few who did recognise his Godliness received forgiveness and healing. We should not be amazed by people’s lack of faith, just “Thank God” for our faith, and try extra hard to show Jesus in our lives.

God Bless you all in this coming week & always.
Deacon Vincent.

Apart, yet together. #ChurchAtHome

Image by 'Here and now, unfortunately, ends my journey' on Pixabay from Pixabay

Thank you Martin for sharing your musical talents with us.

Apostleship of the Sea
"Sea Sunday" is this weekend.
Please read up on the work of the Apostleship of the Sea charity and consider if you are able to support them.

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For the love of Creation
Latest message from our own Greta Thunberg, Bella Harding, who keeps us up to date with all the important news for the love of our planet. Thanks Bella!

"Thank you to all who took patches to decorate, stitch or embroider, to make our 'Care for our Common Home' Banner. I look forward to seeing what you do, anything that relates to that theme. The deadline for finished pieces is 1st August, but please let me have any you have done whenever you are ready.
Thanks to John and others for sharing garden produce and let's enjoy the harvest we are lucky enough to have.
Lots of exciting developments are going on in the world with good people trying to get important measures passed for saving the planet. Let's thank God for all that he is doing in them. If you would like to write to your MP drop me a line and I can suggest things you might like to say.

Highlighting charities that are past and present 'Parish Projects'. JDRF.

JDRF help and support children and young adults with Type 1 diabetes and their families, as well as helping to fund research. Please follow their facebook page as they regularly share really interesting updates on the work they do, highlighting individual stories and experiences such as this post from Brielle (below).

St Augustine's supported this charity in memory of James, a much-loved son, brother, friend and parishioner who died as a result of complications with his condition. The parish community gathered in prayer to support Maeve, Bob, Gemma, Patrick and Daniel, and in the parish project year many events took place to raise fantastic sums of money for the work of JDRF.

Please support JDRF financially, if you are able to, so they can continue their work in these difficult times.

Please also pray for those involved with this charity,
pray with thanks for their hard work and dedication,
pray for all those living with type 1 diabetes, that they are able to access the support they need,
and pray for James.

Brielle has lived with type 1 diabetes (T1D) since age 9 and tested positive for COVID-19 in April 2020.

“My experience being diagnosed with COVID-19 was pretty unremarkable. I have had a moderate diagnosis of generalized anxiety and panic disorder for a number of years, and ended up going to the hospital after having a panic attack at work. While there, I was tested for COVID-19 and the test came back positive. I had a fever and cough for over 3 weeks, but other than that, my blood sugars were never too off, and I felt okay overall. I also have a history of depression, but haven’t needed treatment for over ten years, but in mid-summer I was becoming increasingly anxious for no reason. I became unable to utilize any of the coping skills I know in order to reduce stress, and in August I returned to therapy for the first time in years. In December, I had a conversation with my therapist where she told me she was seeing individuals who had recovered from COVID experiencing an exacerbation in mental health symptoms. After speaking with a psychiatrist about my fears of being on medication again after years of not taking any, I went back on an anti-depressant. It’s been a few months and I feel better than I have in a long time. I still have bouts of anxiety, but I am able to enjoy my life, work, school, and hobbies. All I know is that I am grateful I was able to get help and that I am doing better!”
It has been over a year since the COVID-19 pandemic began, and we want to ensure you have continued access to all available support resources. In partnership with The Anthem Foundation, we have created resources to address mental health burdens while living with T1D during a pandemic that can be helpful. For a full list of resources, visit the Mental Health Section on

Visit the website at :