Diocesan Vacancies:
There are two new opportunities to work for the Diocese of Clifton within the Department for Adult Education and Evangelisation, details of which can be found on the diocesan website.
Adult Formation and Evangelisation Officer
- Are you passionate about your faith and have a desire to share it with others?
- Would you like to support our parishes in their mission to be communities of evangelisation and mission?
- Do you have an interest in developing resources and working with a variety of different groups to deliver effective and dynamic sacramental preparation alongside accompanying parishes in their outreach to those seeking faith or simply curious?
The successful applicant will need to be committed to the mission of the Church, a confident communicator, be able to promote the Gospel and support parishes to grow in their capacity to be places of mission and outreach.
Caritas and Environmental Officer
- Are you passionate about our planet and how we care for it?
- Do you care about the poor and the vulnerable in our local communities?
- Would you like to be able to develop co-ordinated plans for action, working with parishes and schools in a Catholic setting?
With two key aspects to this role, the successful applicant will need to have the confidence to ensure that both the Cry of the Poor and the Cry of the Earth are fully integrated into the life of our parishes and schools.
For further information/informal discussion about the roles please contact Sarah Adams, the Director of Adult Education & Evangelisation on 0117 902 5595.
The job description, personal specification and application form are available from www.cliftondiocese.com/diocese/working-for-us/
Closing date for receipt of applications: 5pm, Friday 23 July 2021.
Thank you Deacon Vincent for this week's reflections for 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
1st Reading from the Prophet Ezekiel 2: 2-5
Ezekiel was most probably amongst the first exiles to Babylon in 597 B.C. He was a priest who was called by God to convince the downcast exiles, that God had not deserted them and that he would eventually restore them to Israel. God appeared to Ezekiel in a vision by the River Chebar. It was a vision of God in his glory coming to them from the North. This passage follows the vision which threw Ezekiel down. God tells him to stand up to hear what he has to say to him. He stands and is told that he will be God’s prophet to the people of Israel, this is his commission. This rebellious people will know that I have raised a prophet from their midst. His task will be to hold the people of Israel together, and remain true to the covenant, so they will be ready and prepared to rebuild the Temple, when they are sent back to Israel. Even in the darkest times we must remember that God is there with us, always trying to bring us consolation and salvation.
This is a song to encourage us to pay careful attention to God. Just as a slave or a servant is ever watchful of their mistresses or master’s needs and wants, so we need to be ever watchful and discerning of what is required of us.
2nd Reading from the second letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians 12: 7-10.
Paul has lost his patience with some people who seem to imply that they are above the gospel. This infuriates Paul, who has just finished letting the Corinthians know in no uncertain terms what he has achieved and endured, but now lets them know that it is not in strength that the Lord excels with us, but in our weaknesses, for when we are weak, we have to rely upon Jesus’ strength to shine through, with no confusion as to where the true power comes from. Paul had a very trying affliction visited upon him, what we do not know, but it was sufficient to disturb his peace of mind, and he begged Jesus to take it away from him, but Jesus told him “My grace is sufficient for you, my power is at its best in weakness.” Paul has to rely entirely on Jesus, because when he is weak, he knows that it is Jesus’ strength that enables him to carry on. Paul is entirely wrapped in Jesus, really he has nothing to boast about, because everything is from Jesus, through Jesus and for the Glory of God.
The Holy Gospel according to Mark 6: 1-6.
This is not an uncommon occurrence, the local boy makes good elsewhere, but everyone who lived with him before his fame, cannot move beyond the young man, they knew before. This happens frequently when a young person enters the religious life, people who knew them before, have a job to accept that they have matured and progressed. The Holy Spirit’s anointing changes us and if we co-operate with Him, we become absorbed by God and become a new creation. Jesus is hurt and offended by their lack of acceptance of him. This is the early heresy, viewing Jesus as just another local boy, unable to view the action of the Spirit of God moving and living within him. Those very few who did recognise his Godliness received forgiveness and healing. We should not be amazed by people’s lack of faith, just “Thank God” for our faith, and try extra hard to show Jesus in our lives.God Bless you all in this coming week & always.
Apart, yet together. #ChurchAtHome
Image by 'Here and now, unfortunately, ends my journey' on Pixabay from Pixabay
Thank you Martin for sharing your musical talents with us.
Apostleship of the Sea
"Sea Sunday" is this weekend.
Please read up on the work of the Apostleship of the Sea charity and consider if you are able to support them.