CWL Branch AGM for 2012

Some of our 'Catholic Women' enjoying a beautiful day of sunshine and friendship!

27 May 2012

Last Saturday, the CWL branch held their annual general meeting with Mass celebrated by Bishop Declan at Clifton Cathedral.
During the AGM, our Deacon, Deacon John Scanlon, was made Branch Chaplain.
Jean Coombs from our Parish is now Branch President. Congratulations to both of them!
Deacon John is made Branch Chaplain. Congratulations!

Mission Week is here - New Awakenings

Our Mission week starts this weekend with special services throughout the week.
Check your Mission leaflet for all the dates/times. There are lists in the Narthex to sign up for the evening social to check on numbers coming and to save duplication of food items.

It would be wonderful for as many of us as possible to attend as many services as possible throughout this week, with an opportunity to visit the other Parishes within our Communion.Two services here at St Augustine’s that are worth highlighting are on:
  • Thurs 24th - a 7am early morning Mass followed by breakfast in the hall. 
  • Friday 25th - a special service at 8pm followed by a social gathering with shared supper in the school hall.
Please pray for the success and support of this special week.
See running progress at Deacon John's Mission Blog!!!!