Act of Worship
Thank you once again Martin for sharing your musical talents with us following the Feast of Christ the King
Haven Home
We are pleased to be able to share an update from our friends at Haven Home in India which was sent to Martyn and Sue Poole in a recent email.
Please continue to pray for the work they do for the children of the region.
"Greetings to you all from Haven Home and hope this email finds you all in good health and joy. Thanks for your email and also for your continuous prayers for all of us here during this pandemic time which has been affecting Haven Home and all its children, staff and family. Your continuous prayers are highly appreciated.
By the grace of the Lord the number of COVID cases have dropped in our state during the month of October which enabled the government to take steps forward to open the schools. So they decided to open in 3 phases. Schools to reopen for class 9 & 10 from November 2, so we have all the children back to Haven Home from these grades who have attended classes for a couple of days that’s when the COVID cases rose due to the spreading of the virus from teachers to students. So we stopped sending our children to school and now they are attending online classes through the smart television. As per plan the government is planning to open schools for classes 6,7 & 8 from November 23rd. Moreover the schools will reopen for classes 1-5 from December 14. So this is the present plan of the government.
We are hoping and praying that all the children could come back to Haven Home so that we all could celebrate Christmas together. Please pray along with us.
When the orphanage will open we will be having a lot of government and health officials visits to check the hygiene and sanitation process. Moreover we have to accommodate all the children sleeping arrangements by maintaining 6 feet distance from each other. So we have to use the dining hall and maybe the medical Center for sleeping arrangements. Continuous sanitation of dormitories, toilets, kitchen and school has to be done. So we are looking for bulk and wholesaler sanitizer supplier for HH. It’s quite expensive and we are also looking into buying a fuming machine as well to sanitise rooms. Your prayers are very much needed as we prepare ourselves to reopen HH after this lockdown as there are so many detailed things that we need to take care of.
We are also praying for you all and going into a 4 weeks of lockdown is not easy and it’s not what we want. We all are in his hands and he is a good God who is protecting all of us.
We love you all and also for your prayer and heart towards each and every one of us here. Shalom."
From - Prasant & Grace, Haven Home, India.
Photos from the visit in 2016.
Thank you to Bella for suggesting a new idea to pray for the future of the planet.
Why not pray the Rosary with 5 Mysteries of Creation...
For each decade say the Our Father and Hail Marys with these intentions:
*We give thanks for the whole of Creation, birds, animals, bugs, fish, people, plants, cultures...
*We pray for all who care for the environment, farmers, activists, scientists, indigenous peoples....
*We give thanks for the air, water, earth, and all that is, which belongs to everyone, because of the fundamental universal destination of all property....
*We pray for a contemplative attitude to all the beauties that surround us...
*We pray for Jubilee, allowing for rest for land and animals, peoples all over the world and for our culture to value rest and contemplation...
Her production line has sprung into life, in aid of our Parish Projects, Grassroots Suicide Prevention and The Patrick Wild Project.
Should you wish to buy some, please contact the parish office and we can put you onto Anna to organise your 'purchase'!
Thanks Anna.
Climate Saving Tips
*Gardening - no peat, no chemicals, not much digging, grow food, let things grow for wildlife, so my garden is wild!! Feed wildlife (birds and hedgehogs, not foxes), coffee grounds to get rid of slugs, compost all waste titbits from cooking (not meat) but don't cook more than you will eat.
*Eating - eat all you buy and cook, compost leftover scraps, no meat or fish but dairy sparingly, preferably organic, milk delivery, organic veg box fortnightly, kettle used sensibly only boil what you need
*Transport - walk all local routes you can, use bus, bike, train where possible, combine trips, no flying this year, don't go unless necessary. Holiday, locally where possible, short trips, ecotrips to wildlife etc
*Cleaning - ecological products used sparingly where possible, cotton scourer for washing up, reduce wiping up, natural products like vinegar.
*Washing - less (!) dare we say it, clothes, selves, hair, a good wash more rarely is more effective, my hair is better for not washing, but use soap and shampoo soap when needed, sparing of water,
Teeth, wooden toothbrush, tooth gel in glass jar (toothbrushes and toothpaste tubes = plastic waste), do not run tap when brushing teeth, soaping up, or washing vegetables, save water when running tap for hot water.
*Waste - collect single use plastic for recycling in supermarkets, avoid unnecessary unrecyclable plastic, try not to buy any, reduce supermarket shop to essentials in bulk, recycle all cardboard, glass, tin, paper at kerb, reduce recycling and general waste as much as possible
*Try not to buy clothes, stuff which just becomes clutter, stop the flood of buying we have got into, we don't need it
*Keep old items, clothes, electronics. Turn of all items on standby, or unnecessary lights. Reduce heating or the hours you put it on. Insulate and draughtproof. Use the library for rare printing needs.
Make stuff, knitting and crochet, face cleaning pads instead of using disposable ones, in cotton, non disposable household washcloths ditto. Lots of other crafts possible... Avoid wet wipes (except for those with babies) don't clog the sewers. Avoid plastic bottles, try to remember to take own water bottles and coffee cups when needed
And, please pray for the planet...
Apart, yet together. #ChurchAtHome
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