In line with social distance measures the building can accommodate a maximum of 55 people subject to variation according to families/social bubbles. This is using the 1metre+ rule therefore you will need to bring a face mask/covering with you and keep it on and remain at least 1 metre apart when inside the Church.
For now, due to these restricted numbers, booking a place at a Mass will be required. Please use this Eventbright booking link (no need for any tickets – this is just the easiest way to capture how many people will want to attend each Mass. If you know someone who is not online then please help us by spreading the word and assisting them to book a place.) CLICK HERE TO GO TO THE EVENT BRIGHT PAGE to register for a place.
These first Mass Times will be:
*Saturday 4th July – 6pm Mass
*Sunday 5th July – 9.30am Mass
*Tuesday 7th July – 7.30pm Public Mass
*Thursday 9th July – 7.30pm Public Mass
*Friday 10th July - 7.30pm Public Mass
Important Information: Please read through before booking a place.
*Saturday 4th July – 6pm Mass
*Sunday 5th July – 9.30am Mass
*Tuesday 7th July – 7.30pm Public Mass
*Thursday 9th July – 7.30pm Public Mass
*Friday 10th July - 7.30pm Public Mass
Important Information: Please read through before booking a place.
Remember that there is NO SUNDAY OBLIGATION DURING THIS PERIOD, therefore, in order to keep within capacity and give everyone a chance to attend Mass at least once per week, please consider attending one of the weekday Masses if you can, especially if the weekend Masses become close to capacity. (The Eventbright page will show the remaining numbers of places when you book) Please only arrive approx 10/15 mins before the start of Mass so we can limit the amount of time people are 'indoors', for your added safety.
We require you to confirm, when booking a place, that
1. You currently show no symptoms for Coronavirus;
2. Should you develop symptoms prior to the service you will NOT attend;
3. You agree to wear a suitable face-mask and use hand-sanitiser as a condition of entry.
It should further be noted that at this time there are no toilet facilities available.
There are no communal items being used so please provide your own missals and if you normally make your offerings to the church using loose change or envelopes there will be a basket as you arrive to place them into.
If you are still vulnerable due to health reasons or if you are officially shielding we recommend you continue to fulfil your obligations by joining Mass online, remembering that the Sunday obligation is suspended and that Pope Francis invites us all to be part of Spiritual Communion during these difficult times.
Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience these new measures cause, however we make these conditions in line with government and diocesan guidelines to protect the health of our parish and wider community. We hope you will understand and we hope you will be as happy as we are to start this careful and gentle return to worship.
2. Should you develop symptoms prior to the service you will NOT attend;
3. You agree to wear a suitable face-mask and use hand-sanitiser as a condition of entry.
It should further be noted that at this time there are no toilet facilities available.
There are no communal items being used so please provide your own missals and if you normally make your offerings to the church using loose change or envelopes there will be a basket as you arrive to place them into.
If you are still vulnerable due to health reasons or if you are officially shielding we recommend you continue to fulfil your obligations by joining Mass online, remembering that the Sunday obligation is suspended and that Pope Francis invites us all to be part of Spiritual Communion during these difficult times.
Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience these new measures cause, however we make these conditions in line with government and diocesan guidelines to protect the health of our parish and wider community. We hope you will understand and we hope you will be as happy as we are to start this careful and gentle return to worship.
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