Our parishioner, Peter Taylor, is raising money for St Augustine's School in readiness for their 50th jubilee next year.
Well done to you Peter - we look forward to being able to share your 100 mile updates. (Anyone else now singing The Proclaimers song with 100 miles instead of 500?!)
Here is Peter's story... "Our School is 50 years old next year! And I’m walking 100 miles to celebrate!! I’m Peter Taylor. For the last 10 years I have been a Governor of the School, and Chair of Governors for the last 4 years. I am now 75 and coming to the end of my term of office at the end of July as the school closes for the summer holiday.
I really wanted to do two things before I leave. I wanted to honour the fantastic children it has been my privilege to help serve over the last few years. I know many of them are helping to save the planet by walking, cycling, and scooting to school. Well done them! Truly they are, in the words of our School short mission statement: “Created by God to love and learn” And I wanted to raise some money for the celebrations which, whenever the coronavirus allows it, will accompany the School’s 50 years anniversary, occurring next year. If the target of £500 is exceeded, any surplus will be used for any appropriate School purpose, as determined by the Head Teacher of the School. Over the next 30 days, from Sunday 5th July to Monday 3rd August, I will be walking for 3.5 miles a day, COVID 19 and my creaking knees permitting, so that I cover over 100 miles, in and around Winterbourne where I live. I’ll be issuing a weekly progress report to let you know how it’s going!Will you sponsor me? To do that, CLICK HERE to log in to this Just Giving Website and click on “Donate”. Thanks a million! Peter"
Apart, yet together. #ChurchAtHome
Apart, yet together. #ChurchAtHome
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