If you wish to make a donation, please look at using some of the online charity donations or see the following -
Polish Scouting Association (International) Ltd (PSA (Int’l) Ltd) stands united with scouting in Ukraine at this moment when their country is fighting for its sovereignty. We would all like to help them but we need to have specific goals to ensure that the required help is received by those who need it.
The largest scouting organisations in Poland have been called to provide assistance. PSA (Int’l) Ltd has been invited to work with Związek Harcerstwa Rzeczypospolitej (ZHR) to provide support to the Ukrainian refugees. ZHR is working with Polska Akcja Humanitarna and Caritas on the Polish/Ukrainian border, distributing food, donated goods, coordinating transport, and providing first aid.
Following instructions from PSA (Int’l) Ltd, PSA (UK Region) Ltd is providing financial support for this assistance. All units are involved in supporting this fundraising so we can collectively show our support.
Details of the account set up by the Polish Scouting Association (UK Region) Ltd to support Ukraine are as follows for anyone who is able to make a donation
Polish Scouting Association (UK Region) Ltd
Barclays Bank
sort code 20-97-09
account 13768198
Please quote reference: UKR + surname/family name
Registered Charity England and Wales: 1155288
Scotland: SC045348
As you can imagine, this support will be invaluable.
THIS SATURDAY (12th) at 10.00am....
We would love it if anyone was free to come down at 10am to help with the clear-out? Bring a pair of gloves and an ability to carry and we'll supply the biscuits!
Over the years we have been blessed with amazing leaders, helpers and kids within our Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Rainbows, Brownies & Guides meaning there have been countless activities and fun memories made.
We still have places for girls within the unit meetings on a Thursday if anyone is interested. Please contact the Parish Office and we can pass on the contact info.
Photos: Canterbury Belles show 2008
Thank you, as ever, to Deacon Vincent for his Reflections for 2nd Sunday in Lent Year C
1st Reading from the Book of Genesis 15: 5-12, 17-18.
Genesis is the name the Greek translators gave it, meaning “origin” or “birth”, or “coming to be”, it is not a scientific book, but a treatise that begins with, as it must also end, with God. The first eleven chapters focus on how Israel fits in with God’s creation, then from chapter 12 onwards our attention is drawn to Abraham, and God’s unfailing fidelity, who never goes back on the promises he made to Abraham and his descendants. Chapters 37-50 deals with Abraham’s grandson Joseph and how the people of Israel come to reside in Egypt, then in the next volume (Exodus), how God will liberate his people to their promised land, with might and power. This passage is recording God’s covenant with Abraham, making him a father of many nations and people too numerous to count. We are drawn into this exciting and mysterious sealing of the Covenant. St. Paul will make great play of the fact that God struck this bargain with Abraham before he was circumcised and therefore a Gentile, Illustrating God’s openness to all his creation. These stories, from antiquity, were kept alive by the telling of the stories around the campfires, until they eventually were recorded in writing for all posterity. It is sometimes worth remembering this point when reading through it, particularly in some of the cumbersome passages. If we get into rhythm of these stories it illuminates it though the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
Psalm 26: 1, 7-9, 13-14.
Usually psalms of lament start with petition, and request for help, but this song reverses the process, which makes it very interesting. It continues our theme in the first reading confidently trust in God.
2nd Reading from St. Paul to the Philippians 3: 17- 4: 1.
This letter is to, perhaps, his favourite community, it was one of his earliest European foundations. He is emphasising that Christ should make a difference to the way we behave. Paul’s encounter with Christ had transformed his life and made a visible difference. He does not mince words, he is quite clear about the kind of behaviour that is appropriate, and that which is not. There is obviously some disunity in the community and Paul is pleading with them to follow the example he had given them and not to deviate from that. It is a salutary lesson for us in this turbulent world.
The Holy Gospel according to Luke 9: 28-36.
Here we have Luke slightly altering the accounts in the other Gospels. Jesus takes Peter, James and John up a mountain and whilst Jesus is at prayer he is illuminated like Moses, after he had been in conversation with God, and in Luke’s account Jesus is in conversation with Moses and Elijah. They are discussing Jesus’ departure (death) in Jerusalem. Once again Jerusalem figures very importantly for Luke’s Gospel. The overshadowing here reminds Luke’s readers about what happened to Mary at Jesus’ conception when the Holy Spirit overshadowed her. Luke softens the end of the vision by saying that the Apostles never spoke of this event, rather than receiving a command to tell no one. It reflects Luke’s very gentle nature. We also are given a glimpse of the Glory of Jesus that awaits our encounter with him. God will introduce him to us as “This is my Son, the Chosen One – listen to him.” It should fill us with confidence and wonder at the person we are following to the Father under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. What a wonderful point in our Lenten Fast to behold the transfigured Christ. God our Father, set our hearts on fire with love and thanksgiving for such a marvellous Saviour.
God Bless you All.
Deacon Vincent
Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash
SYNOD Views - from Catholic Women
Are you now or have you ever self-identified as a Catholic woman? It is vital that feedback to the Synod includes the widest possible range of women’s voices from different cultures and contexts.
In collaboration with the University of Newcastle in Australia and the Catholic Women’s Council, Catholic Women Speak is conducting an online survey—available in six languages—to gather feedback from women around the world.
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