Thank you to the team of helpers who came to sort, package, box, and label all the amazing donations we have had over the past week. We were overwhelmed to see such generosity. ❤️
These donations will be taken to the new storage facility tomorrow ready for this week's lorry to take them overseas. Thanks to the wonderful team at Emersons Green Village Hall who are organising the logistics.
****EXTRA HELP NEEDED - if anyone is free on Wednesday 9th at 10am to come up to the church to help load our cars we would LOVE a few more hands (easier to load 'chain gang' style).
Please contact the parish office by email: or call 0117 9833939 if you can help.
PLEASE KEEP DONATING items, if you are able to, as we can carry on for as long as we are told a lorry is going over... we've been advised that they really need T-SHIRTS & BOXER SHORTS at the moment for use in the hospitals, so if you are able to buy one or more of those items from a bargain shop perhaps it would be very much appreciated. (No 2nd hand please)
Our Parish Community 'Walk for Hunger', in aid of CAFOD, began yesterday.
A message from Bella:
Many thanks to the 12 of us who turned up for the walk on Monday, and to Fr Frank who blessed us on our way.
It was a really nice occasion to meet up and get to know each other better.
The next one is on 21st March, weather and God willing. Do look at the website for updates and if you would like, to sponsor us, or join us next time!
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