** We had many people from the local area come along on Friday to light a #CandleForPeace - Please feel free to come along on Friday from 5-7pm 💙💛🕯 **
"Some of our local residents came together to think about what else they could do to show support for the people suffering in Ukraine.
When Covid struck it put great pressure on the NHS staff and to show our appreciation we clapped on our doorsteps every Thursday evening.
For the Ukraine crisis, we asked if our local church, St. Augustine’s (Boscombe Crescent BS16 6QR), could be open for anyone to pop in and light a “Candle for Peace.” Candles will be available.
Initially, the Church will be open every Friday from 5.00 - 7.00pm. So please feel free to show your support for the people of Ukraine, at a time when we’re looking for ways to help. Thank you.
Local Residents."
You are all very welcome to come into the church and light a candle for peace and to show your solidarity for those suffering through this terrible conflict.
Mass for LGBTQ+ Catholics
Please see the poster from St. Nicholas of Tolentino RC Church, Bristol who invite us all to come along to the monthly celebration of the Eucharist for LGBTQ+ Catholics, Families, Friends and allies.
27th March at 3pm.
Thank you to Deacon Vincent for your Reflections for 3rd Sunday in Lent Year C
1st Reading from the Book of Exodus 3: 1-8, 13-15.
Moses is looking after some sheep, and some scholars see this as a preparation for the more arduous task of looking after the Israelites in the desert. Coming to Mount Horeb is brings a sense of impending drama, in Hebrew it is even more dramatic as it is the “mountain of God.” Then the Angel of the Lord appears to him, in Hebrew this is a shorthand term meaning the Lord. Moses sees the Lord in bush, which is burning, but not being consumed by the fire, he approaches but is instructed to show due reverence by removing his sandals. This is Holy Ground. (An important point for us to remember when we are on Holy Ground.) Then God gives Moses his mission. Moses will never be the same again, we realise that Moses knows very little about his heritage, he has been brought up an Egyptian Prince and most probably struggles with the Hebrew language. How am I to address the people? He is not familiar with the Hebrew protocol, and who are you? Inquires Moses. That’s no matter. You are to address me as “The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob”, that is how I am to be known for all eternity. Moses is taken by God and thrust into this prophetic role of acting as God’s mouthpiece. God is kindly to him and will give him Aaron his brother, a Levite to speak on his behalf. So, the great enterprise is formulated and arranged to set his beloved people free from slavery. It pre-empts the Annunciation with a virgin who will bear the Christ, yet remain a virgin commencing God’s greatest enterprise the salvation of all mankind from the slavery of sin.
Psalm 102: 1-4, 1-8, 11.
This song is a great acclamation in praise of God’s goodness in all he has done for us. We should always be extraordinarily generous with thanking God for all his great goodness towards us.
2nd Reading from 1st letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians 10: 1-6, 10-12.
There is obviously a problem for the Jewish Corinthian Christians about whether to eat food of the Gentiles lest it be dedicated to pagan gods. Paul is trying to say that unless they make a thing of the food being sacrificed to the gods, then don’t worry. Do what seems fitting to avoid embarrassment, within the strict confines of their dietary law. Also, he is worried about them thinking they will never fall into sexual sins, like the Corinthians, who had a tendency towards this weakness. Always be alert to one’s own humanity. Paul will use the Old Testament themes around the person of Christ. Christ is his prime motivation and inspiration. There is a point for us to ponder, should Christians always give way?
The Holy Gospel according to Luke 13: 1-9.
Luke’s Gospel is primarily about repentance, and here Christ points out the urgency of this call. He argues that the poor Galileans who were butchered by Pilate and had their remains mixed with their sacrifices to their gods were nor deserving of their fate. Jesus is mindful that he also will soon be butchered by Pilate. Also, he says that the accident of the Tower of Siloam falling on people was not because of their sins, it was just an accident. Then the parable of the fig tree. Sinners like the fig tree are given another chance – but this is not indefinite, we need to try to amend our ways. Lent is a great time to examine and weed out tendencies that might take us away from Christ. We have time, given us by God, the gardener, who will try and make us fertile again. Let’s use it wisely and constructively.
God Bless you All & Stay Safe.
Deacon Vincent.
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