Wednesday Wisdom
Happy to share the Samaritans' 'Wednesday Wisdom' with you all.
What will you do to care for yourself today?
Our Lady of the Rosary.
your grace into our hearts,
that we, to whom the Incarnation of Christ your Son
was made known by the messageof an Angel,
may, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
by his Passion and Cross
be brought to the glory of his Resurrection.
Who Lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
A new reflection from Bella Harding, following the publication of Pope Francis' new encyclical ~ Thank you Bella!
"We have been challenged by the Pope and others to 'Build Back Better' ie we need to change. Here are four stories about change.
*Imagine being the father in Beauty and the Beast waking up in this wonderful castle where everything he could possibly want was laid on for him by unseen helpers. Suppose he took to trashing the place...?! Not only would the Beast be displeased, but aren't we horrified? But haven't we done just that?
*Bishop Alexander told a story about children at a birthday party, where one child took half the cake and another a third, leaving the last sixth for the other 20 children. People in US/UK go through the resources of the world at that rate, leaving little for all the rest of our brothers and sisters.
*Chuck Berry is now 89. AS a child he was inspired by his mother going out of her way to give a lift to a man with Motor Neurone Disease, so he did not have to struggle to get the bus. Chuck was a great businessman and a billionaire by the time he was 50. From then on he chose to give his money away anonymously, living a very simple life, and now he has given it all away, with just a little left to keep him in his old age. As he said, there are no pockets in a shroud.
*Finally, I heard the prodigal son story applied to the present day, the West has demanded its inheritance and gone away and squandered it, and now is 'feeling the pinch'. Meanwhile the Global South and indigenous peoples have been working away with their father. Will we 'come to our senses'? I was really shocked at how it seemed to fit.
As Pope Francis says, God always forgives, we sometimes forgive and nature never forgives. Which I take to mean if we fall heavily we may break a bone, but God always and we sometimes allow people to grow beyond our mistakes.
The Pope's teachings about responding to the pandemic and building back better have been made into a book with discussion questions CLICK HERE TO SEE... They are excellent. "
St Augustine's will be supporting the Royal British Legion, by encouraging you all to spread the word about the 2020 Poppy Appeal - This year things are different, however, we can still show our respect and gratitude for all who have fought and died in conflict.
Please visit the Royal British Legion's website and 'Poppy Shop' to donate, to see how you can fundraise and get involved, and to order poppies for free to hand out to family and friends, who in turn can make their donations to help service personnel in need.
Look out for more information soon about how we will be getting involved....
All Souls Day
Monday 2nd November - Fr Frank will say an additional Mass that day, at 9.30am, to pray for all the Faithful Departed. We will add this Mass to our Eventbright link so you can book a place if you are able to attend.
The latest Newsletter is on the website under the 'Newsletter' section
Booking a place at Mass
Thank you to everyone who is continuing to book a place at the Mass of your choice. It is so helpful for us to see the numbers attending beforehand, so we can make any necessary adjustments to our seating plans etc and also for the track and trace element (Note: We now have a QR code at 3 points in the entranceway for those with the app)
You can find the link on this website under "Welcome to our website".
*Reminder* There is NO Sunday obligation during this time of COVID so please feel free to attend any of the Masses throughout the week as your Sunday Mass.
Apart, yet together. #ChurchAtHome
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