Who doesn't love a good chutney?!
You'll be pleased to know that Anna Davis has made more of her delicious chutney and she will welcome donations for the Patrick Wild Parish Project if you would like some - contact Anna direct or message us here at the Parish Office if interested.
PS - using last year's photo - don't worry about the dates!
Remembrance Sunday
This Sunday, at St Augustine's Church, our 9.30am Mass will be a Mass of Remembrance for the victims of all wars and conflicts throughout the world.
We will be pausing for 2 minutes at the start of Mass to remember all those who have died.
We have a Garden of Remembrance on the grass at the front of the Church for anyone who wishes to use it to place their poppy in, before, on, or after Remembrance Sunday.
Please feel free to visit the Garden at any time.
Everyone is very welcome to join our Mass which will start at 9.30am for approx 3/4 hour. If you would like to attend please book a place using this link and we encourage the wearing of masks and social distancing whilst inside the church. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/holy-mass-tickets-119859828975
Eternal rest, grant unto them O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May their souls, and the souls of all the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God, Rest In Peace. Amen
Update: We will continue to publish our Newsletter out onto our website and Facebook page each week - showing the details of the Mass times and intentions, the news and updates, for you to read at home or on the go!
We also have a limited number of printed copies at the back of the church.
However, from now on, if you would like to have a digital copy of the outer bulletin sheet (the colour sheet with the commentary, articles and weekend readings information) please email the parish office
- bristol.staugustine@cliftondiocese.com -
and we will put together a weekly email with a pdf of the cover sheet attached as we can no longer publish this publicly on our platforms due to copyright rules.
Many thanks.
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