COVID-19 Update:
Following the Government announcement on Monday we look forward to the hope that the easing of further restrictions will bring to so many people and businesses, but recognise that some people may find this change difficult to deal with.
For now, we await news from the Catholic Bishops of England and Wales on what measures it is deemed sensible to keep and those we can dispense of within the Church. So, until we hear otherwise, our public Masses at St Augustine's will continue in the same way, with wearing of masks to be welcomed, even after 19th July, sanitising of hands, extra ventilation, social distancing, and communion under 1 form.
- We ask you to continue to book a place at Mass using our Eventbright link, so we can control the numbers coming into Church and also for the track and trace system. As usual, there is no need to print off/bring any tickets with you & remember, there is still no Sunday obligation so you can attend on any day of the week.
I continue to hear confessions AFTER 7.30pm MASS each Tuesday evening. If you wish to come to confession please stay in your seats when the Mass has ended (please don’t move seats to sit near to the confessionals) and then sanitise your hands before entering the confessional box.
We will continue to be led by the regulations and do all we can to help it remain a safe place to visit. We are very pleased that an average of 200+ people come to Mass over the course of each week - this is so encouraging as we all try to get back to normal life. We wish to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who has helped to keep each other safe.
God bless. Fr Frank
Living Simply Update
Please read the latest message from Bella Harding which mentions 2 fantastic, simple ways you can help the planet.
Tree Aid and The Catholic Petition
'Tree Aid' is helping build a wall of trees across the Sahara that will help with soil erosion, habitat loss, desertification and could transform the area in decades to come. If you donate before 11th July (this Sunday!) The UK Govt will double your donation
Also, there is something called the Catholic petition, though it is not just for Catholics (though wouldn't it be wonderful if all the Catholics and more in the world petitioned our world leaders to save the planet?)
Have a look and see if you can sign it.
I have signed up as a catholic petition promoter to get 500 signatures, so please help me if you sign by sending a quick email saying 'I've signed' to Bernadette in the parish office to pass on to me.
(Send your "I'VE SIGNED" to
Thank you so much and thank you for all the wonderful things you do.
Let's commit to heal our world and share God's gifts in faith and trust!
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