Latest News

Congratulations to Fr Stephen Corrigan, ordained priest by Bishop Declan Lang this weekend in Clifton Cathedral. Please remember him in your prayers.

Latest news from our local foodbank at Resound Church, Mangotsfield

Dear friends and supporters
Please find attached our Summer 2021 shopping list.

Resound FoodBank will also be running a 'School Holiday Hunger' over the coming weeks, as in previous years, where we aim to provide extra food to families with school-age families who may face additional problems due to no free school meals. Our current shopping list therefore also contains, in addition to the usual requirements, a list of additional items that we need in order to support this scheme.
On the 14th of May, we opened our doors for the first time in over a year and all volunteers we pleased that we could again meet in person those clients who were able to come to Resound to collect their food parcels
The reduction in the number of referrals has slowed but we are still higher than the corresponding period in 2019. However, the number of referrals is expected to increase in the coming weeks due to the ending of furlough and other support programmes with the Trussell Trust saying that referrals may double from their current level by September.
Thank you for your support, kindness and continued generosity which is as ever greatly appreciated.

SHOPPING LIST – Summer 2021

(NO pasta or baked beans please as we have lots! 
Also, please no bottles of fizzy drinks or water – thank you!)

· Tinned fish (not tuna) – mackerel, sardines etc
· Mashed potato sachets/drums
· Long life milk
· Long life fruit juice – orange/apple
· Orange/blackcurrant squash
· Coffee – small jars
· Shower gel
· Female deodorant
· Razors

HOLIDAY HUNGER – Summer 2021
· Tinned macaroni cheese and ravioli
· Tinned meatballs
· Baked beans and sausages
· Pasta-in-sauce sachets
· Cup-a-soups
· Peanut butter
· Custard sachets

Thank you so much for all your kind support

ALL DONATIONS TO BE DROPPED TO Resound foodbank, Blackhorse Road, Mangotsfield, Bristol BS16 9BP
0117 3050969 / 07485688621
We are now open every Friday between 10am – 12pm.

Thank you Deacon Vincent for your reflections for 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

1st Reading from the Prophet Amos 7: 12-15.
Amos was called to be God’s Prophet about 760 B.C. There was a good deal of prosperity among the upper classes but acute poverty in the lower classes. Amos strongly attacks the wealthy, he has a strong sense of his calling by God, which leads him to condemn the moral and religious decline of the Northern Kingdom, for whom God was just a symbol, nothing more than that. Amos was a southerner, not popular amongst the northerners and he goes right into the King’s sanctuary at Bethel, where the King’s palace was situated, saying that the king would die by the sword and Israel led away captive. Amaziah, the King’s religious and political functionary, claims (falsely) to be speaking on behalf of the King, when he tells Amos to push off and take his empty prophecies elsewhere. Amos counters him by stating, “I was not a prophet nor the son of a prophet; no, I was a shepherd, and looked after sycamores: but it was the Lord who took me from herding the flock, and the Lord who said, “Go prophesy to my people Israel.”” Amos is fearless in countering the instruction and continues to prophesy on behalf of the Lord. This book is interesting to read because Israel was not so very different from those of us in the west who have a very good standard of living. We must always remember the less fortunate, and ensure they are able to share the good times, as well. It is a command of the Lord; he always is on the side of the less fortunate. We need to pay attention to the prophets he sends to us today, like Pope Francis, who is constantly championing the poor, and challenging our attitudes to them.

Psalm 84: 9-14.
A song praying for God’s blessing. We need to listen for the Lord and pay attention to what he is saying, a voice that speaks of peace. Mercy and faithfulness have met; justice and peace have embraced. It is the great desire for all of us to be able to live in solidarity with each other and our God.

2nd Reading from the letter of St. Paul to the Ephesians 1: 3-14
This section is a huge continuous sentence, the longest in the New Testament. The first section is a song of praise to the Father, expressing wonder that he chose us right from the beginning, before creation, to be holy and spotless in Jesus Christ. The sheer wonder in this statement is mind bending, it unites us to God through Jesus Christ, and we are called to live through love in his presence. Again, through Jesus Christ, Paul tells us that we become his adopted sons, in other words, by our association with Jesus Christ we become sons of God, so that we can praise the glory of his grace. We are forgiven all our sins through the blood of Christ, freely shed for our forgiveness, and become part of God’s plan to bring everything together under Christ, as head of everything in the heavens and everything on earth. There is density to the spiritual theology of this epistle. This mystical vision of God gathering everything into Christ is an image that has lifted many to new heights in their own mystical lives. There is so much in this sentence, it needs us to ponder it in depth and pray that we too can be taken up into a new mystical relationship with God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

The Holy Gospel according to Mark 6: 7-13.
Here we read of Jesus commissioning the Apostles to take his message out to the people. They are to rely upon the good reception of the people and not lord it over them, they are to arrive poor travellers, preach repentance, cast out devils and anoint the sick with oil and cure them. It is a timely lesson for the Church of today, to get back to basics. Be with the people and of the people, living their lives in reliance upon the good nature of their followers, but always with them, not lording it over them. A lesson for us all.

God Bless you all and stay safe.
Deacon Vincent.

Thank you Martin for your Musical liturgy for this week.

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