A Message from Jenefer Morgan, Chair of Governors for St Augustine's School.
"We are looking for new Governors to join our Governing Body for St Augustine's Primary School. We have a variety of roles that we are looking for assistance with, including:
- Marketing
- Curriculum (so ideally someone with a teaching background)
- Finance
Would any of our parishioners at St Augustine's Church be interested? I'm very happy to speak to you, to share what the role entails. I would be very grateful if you would get in touch with the parish office and we can set up a time to chat virtually (or in person).
It is a wonderful way to invest in our parish school.
Jenefer - Chair of Governors and Parishioner"
CAFOD - G7 - What can we do...?
"The G7 summit will see heads of government of seven of the world’s richest countries - including President Joe Biden - travel to Cornwall and discuss how the world can rebuild after the coronavirus pandemic.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson has a crucial role to play, with the UK holding the presidency of the G7. We want to send a message to him and the other G7 leaders that people of faith in the UK and around the world expect them to put in place plans for a global and green recovery from the crisis which leaves no one behind.
The pandemic means we can’t all travel to Cornwall to send this message to the leaders at the summit. But that doesn’t stop us coming together online in an act of witness.
So, instead of travelling to Cornwall, we can join together on our laptops, tablets or phones on Thursday 10 June at 7pm at an event streamed live from Truro Cathedral.
We’ll reflect on the impact of the pandemic, how we rebuild and send a digital message to the presidents and prime ministers ahead of the start of their meeting the next day."
CONFIRMATION - Thursday 9th June 2022
Dates/times for preparation classes have not yet been finalised but we would like all candidates to now fill in the registration form.
**For all candidates~secondary school age & above~email the parish office for a form (bristol.staugustine@cliftondiocese.com)
or pick one up from the parish office. (If completing a paper copy, please include an email address we can use for all communications.)
Many thanks. Fr Jim and Fr Frank.
Thank you to Deacon Vincent for his Reflections for Feast of Corpus Christi Year B
1st Reading Exodus 24: 3-8
Moses reads the commands and ordinances of the Covenant and upon the peoples’ agreement he seals the covenant with the blood of bullocks, which is sprinkled over the altar, erected on twelve stones for the twelve tribes of Israel, and sprinkled over the people. The Covenant is sealed with the blood of the most important animal to the people, for bullocks were working animals, they pulled carts, ploughs, as well as providing food. These were very expensive animals, thus emphasising the importance of the act in agreeing to the Covenant with God. It showed the gravity of that agreement they had just entered with God. We shall see how Jesus, reflects Moses action when he seals the new and eternal covenant in the Gospel reading from Mark a little later.
Psalm 115: 13-13, 15-18.
This psalm sets the dramatic scene of the Last Supper, where Jesus takes the cup of salvation and offers his own life as the death of God’s faithful servant. It is a wonderful hymn of praise of God our Father.
2nd Reading from the Letter to the Hebrews 9: 11-15.
This letter is emphasising that Jesus is the, long awaited, Messiah; the real thing. The letter goes on to explain how Jesus’ covenant is much better than the previous covenant in that it contains the forgiveness of sins within it; and will be sealed with the precious Body and Blood of Jesus himself the Faithful Son of God, God’s only Son. Jesus, himself, will be the mediator in this new covenant. It is helpful for us to remember that the word covenant can also mean a “will” or a “testament”, hence the talk about death, surrounding the sealing of this new Covenant with God our Father.
Jesus, himself has arranged the venue for the Last Supper, the greatest feast in the Judaic calendar, as the disciples had forgotten in all the previous happenings. The mood, instead of being joyous is sombre, with a betrayal of one at table, a most heinous crime against the law of hospitality, then Jesus taking Bread and Wine to be his exterior signs of the true meaning of His New and eternal Covenant, his own Body and Blood, which will be offered for the forgiveness of sins, but unlike Moses Jesus obtains assent of the new Covenant by agreeing to take the Bread (His Body) and the Chalice of Wine ( His Blood), instead of sprinkling us. We, who take the Bread and Wine are in fact, standing with those disciples at the Last Supper, outside of time, united to Christ and each other by receiving his Body and Blood as the food of our lives in this New and Eternal New Covenant for the forgiveness of our sins, and our renewed commitment to live by his commandments, contained by his life as shown to us in the Holy Gospels, which we read and ponder week on week throughout our lives. This is the most solemn moment in the History of the World. Jesus, the only son of God, offering himself for us, that we might grow like him and truly become his brothers and sisters in the Holy Spirit of God Himself.
God Bless you all - and stay safe.
Deacon Vincent.
Photo from 2020 Corpus Christi
Job Vacancies in the Diocese
We have been asked to advertise the two opportunities below. They might especially suit a recent graduate.
"Clifton Diocese Department of Adult Education and Evangelisation
Two exciting new opportunities to work for the Diocese of Clifton within the Department for Adult Education and Evangelisation.
Adult Formation and Evangelisation Officer
• Are you passionate about your faith and have a desire to share it with others?
• Would you like to support our parishes in their mission to be communities of evangelisation and mission?
• Do you have an interest in developing resources and working with a variety of different groups to deliver effective and dynamic sacramental preparation alongside accompanying parishes in their outreach to those seeking faith or simply curious?
The successful applicant will need to be committed to the mission of the Church, a confident communicator, be able to promote the Gospel and support parishes to grow in their capacity to be places of mission and outreach.
Caritas and Environmental Officer
• Are you passionate about our planet and how we care for it?
• Do you care about the poor and the vulnerable in our local communities?
• Would you like to be able to develop co-ordinated plans for action, working with parishes and schools in a Catholic setting?
With two key aspects to this role, the successful applicant will need to have the confidence to ensure that both the Cry of the Poor and the Cry of the Earth are fully integrated into the life of our parishes and schools.
For further information/informal discussion about the roles please contact Sarah Adams, the Director of Adult Education & Evangelisation on 0117 902 5595.
The job description, personal specification and application form are available from www.cliftondiocese.com/diocese/working-for-us/
Closing date for receipt of applications: 25 June 2021."
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