Thank you to Deacon Vincent for your Reflections for the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
This is a beautiful explanation of how we co-operated with God’s creation. He allowed us to name them, but we must remember that God created them as our companions, not our slaves, or to be exploited, or driven to the edge of extinction. We need these creatures to enhance our lives and help us to work with God in nurturing his creation. We must always remember that we co-operated with God’s creation and always respect it. If we respect it, then we will always have companions to brighten our days with beautiful bird song or discover the wonders of the deep oceans. Watch the great beasts of the earth care for their young, and care for their remains when their life is over, such as the great Elephants, who stand watch over their bones and will return to visit them. When we detach ourselves from God, we detach ourselves from our world, which is his great work of art. This also applies to our respect for women. They are created as our very special companions in our vocations in life. In the marriage ceremony we are encouraged to treat each other as equals. They are not there for our titillation, or as our slaves, or servants, but as our companions in life. We need to see God’s creation in each other, and then we will eventually overcome all these terrible crimes we commit against each other. It is imperative that we live the Gospel life, as Christ showed us, for that is God’s will for each and everyone of us.
Psalm 127.
This is a beautiful song, which emphasises how God will bless the work of our hands and bless our homes, and we will be fruitful, if we live the Gospel life. Honouring God our Father and listening to His Word.
2nd Reading from St. Paul to the Hebrews 2: 9-11.
Jesus, who in becoming human, entered fully into our lives, and allowed himself to be considered lower than the angels. God, now, proclaims him as his only Son in glory and splendour because he was obedient unto the Father, even to accepting death on a cross, a death that was for all of us that we might be set free from our fallen state, and become his brothers and sisters, sharing his royal priesthood as God’s good and loyal servants. We need to listen to his word and care for all God’s creation, especially each other, by sacrificing our selfish desires, to ensure the welfare of each other and all God’s creation.
The Holy Gospel according to Mark 10: 2-16.
In this passage from Mark’s Gospel, we encounter two very different aspects of Jesus’ teaching. On marriage we see Jesus continuing from the Genesis reading, explaining that when we marry each other we become one flesh, one body in Christ. It is a living symbol of his relationship with Holy Mother Church. Now to contract a marriage we need to be fully cognisant of the Christian life, and fully cognisant of the awe-inspiring commitment we make upon entering marriage. It exceeds romantic love; it is a realisation that this other person is an extension of ourselves. Most marriages that fail, are where one of the parties is unaware of the tremendous responsibility of marriage or is only seeking selfish satisfaction or is entirely self-motivated. The marriage sacramental bond is very difficult to achieve properly, hence the need for greater preparation for both parties. Both need to be aware of what God is calling them to achieve. Marriage Tribunals examine failed marriages to establish whether a fully cognisant marriage was equally contracted. The marriage can be declared null and void, where the sacramental bond was never properly sealed.
The second story, we see how Jesus loved and cherished childlike acceptance and encourages us to emulate that attitude to God.
God Bless you All. Deacon Vincent
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