A message to you all from Fr Frank...
Dear Friends in Christ & all people of goodwill.
~ Eternal rest to all who have died ~
Parish life has not been normal but we must be positive about the future. Many people have started to return to Mass, indeed, numbers are increasing as we move towards the future, despite government restrictions. Church are safe places and I wish to thank all the volunteers for helping out. What the future now holds, we don’t know.
Since Christ instituted Holy Mass on the night before he died for all of us, there has always been a great respect for the sacrament of His Body & Blood. It is not just coming to Mass that counts, rather it is celebrating our redemption in Christ. We live in a very secular society but that should not diminish our attitude to the living Lord. We have only one life on this earth, we determine our life in the next world by how we live in the present world. God willing we will all one day reach the fullness of heaven.
God is full of mercy, we are being asked to be a people of mercy. The scripture readings at Mass portray God as a God of mercy and not as a God of judgement.
As we continue our journey in faith into the future, just think about the Greatness of God.
God bless everybody.
Fr Frank.
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