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Ash Wednesday
Canon Frank celebrated Ash Wednesday this morning by recording a short Liturgy inviting us all to read along with the Psalm (pictured), listen to the Gospel, to think about what we can do this Lent in preparation for the Easter mysteries, and to pray for all those in the world who have suffered due to the virus and for those who see Lent as merely a word...
He also invites us all to bless ourselves or bless each other as we reverence the ashes.
These ashes will remain on Our Lady's Altar for the whole of Lent as a symbol of our togetherness, even though we are still (for now) apart. We pray for the day to come soon when we can be together again in Church, in safety, and in the strength and love of God and our parish community.

As Lent begins, please take a moment to consider what you can do in preparation for the joy of Easter.
Pope Francis offers us words of positivity in these dark times.

Musical Worship
Thank you to Martin Le Poidevin for sharing your talents with us.
Musical Act of Worship for 8th Sunday after Christmas.

Diocesan Reflection for the Week of Ash Wednesday
As Lent begins, we can pray, fast, give, make small changes and talk about them, make our voices heard for real change to protect the planet. One way is to say Grace before all Meals.
In Laudato Si the Pope asked us to revive the tradition of saying Grace before and after meals. We could extend the grace to a global gratitude, for the fertility of the world and the precious soil which produces the food, for the animals, insects and birds who helped its growth, for the rain, wind, sun, darkness, cold and heat which allowed it to grow, for the stability of the atmosphere and weather, for the farmers who planted, tended and harvested the food; we can ask forgiveness for the exploitation of the earth through overuse of pesticides, monoculture and overproduction, the industry which crosses the globe, and which stores and packages the food, and for the way our food is unequally distributed, leaving many hungry, who are homeless, jobless, refugees fleeing famine and conflict, and those who are too ill to eat. We thank God heartily that we have food and ask blessing and provision for all those who do not.

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