This week's news

Happy Lunar New Year to everyone, especially to the many members of our Hong Kong community, here at St Augustine's.

Happy Birthday to dear Fr Barnabas and to our wonderful housekeeper, Narj, who both celebrate their birthdays this week.
We enjoyed a staff 'cake and a cuppa' in the kitchen today to wish them both well.

Embracing the Loving Mercy of God

Embracing the Loving Mercy of God – on 5th April we have a Lent Retreat day to reflect upon and experience Reconciliation as the Sacrament of Hope.
Fr. Brendan Callaghan SJ former Novice Master of the United Noviceship of the British, Irish, Flemish and Dutch Jesuit Provinces and former Master of Campion Hall. When responding to the invitation to speak Fr. Brendan wrote ‘It is a sacrament which I find intensely consoling to celebrate’. He is particularly delighted to return to Bristol where he celebrated the Sacrament for the first time at St. Mary on the Quay.
Margaret and Barry Mizen whose son Jimmy was brutally murdered the day after his sixteenth
 birthday. Margaret and Barry have refused to give into hate and have worked tirelessly since Jimmy’s death to promote peace and reconciliation, particularly among young people.

The day will provide the opportunity for conversation and reflection on the two presentations. The day will finish with a Service of Reconciliation and the opportunity for individual confession with Bishop Bosco and priests from around the Diocese.

Venue: St. Bernadette’s Catholic Secondary School, Whitchurch, Bristol.
Refreshments from 9.30am, welcome and opening prayer will be at 10am. Please bring a packed lunch. Our day will end by 3.30pm.

To register for the day, please click on the Eventbrite link:
All are welcome!

This year's Flame 2025 event at Wembley is on Sat 15th March.

"Unstoppable: Fan the Flame of Hope" The UK's largest Catholic Youth Gathering. With Bear Grylls as one of the many guest speakers and musicians.

See the website for all the details and please let Fr Barnabas or contact the office if interested in going so we can confirm numbers and link in to a local group who are attending, for booking tickets.

*Flame is open to everyone aged school Year 9 (usually 14 years old) through to University age. Typically there are large numbers of Year 10s, 11s and Sixth Formers, as well as University students.

*Flame is a Catholic event but of course the day is open to those of all faiths and none – the content has a strong Catholic ethos, and some explicitly Catholic moments of prayer such as Adoration, but one of the aims of the day is especially to help those who may not be engaged with faith to be open to a new vision of what a young, vibrant, active and inclusive Church can look like. The speakers are briefed to pitch their content in a way which is accessible to those who may not attend Mass regularly, or at all – in lots of ways this is an ideal event for those “on the edges.” Feedback from group leaders in previous years has shown us that a day at Flame Congress can raise a lot of questions about faith, and fresh insights, which can be the beginning of a wonderful journey back in the school or parish.

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