Update 1 - They set off early and the weather has been kind so far . Fr Jim has them organised, military style..... Photo of them walking through the Codrington Estate (or is it GODrington?)
If you would like to donate to the walk, all money raised will go towards the costs of the beautiful new banners in the church.
Sponsored walk - update 2... Time for a break.
"We are 12... so have nicknamed ourselves the Apostles.... but which one is Judas?!"
Sponsored walk update 3...
Over half way now - 13km completed and time to stop and rehydrate.
Everyone is enjoying the walk and Sandra loves it so much she wants to walk back! 

Fr Jim: "We are truly Blessed with people on this walk."
...although Mike Norris might be considering alternative transport!
Sponsored walk update 4 ....
They reached Dyrham Park and it looks nicely downhill now...
Keep going, team! We are with you in spirit
They reached Dyrham Park and it looks nicely downhill now...
Keep going, team! We are with you in spirit
Sponsored walk update 6...
Parishes in Communion
A lovely photos of John and Eileen together on the walk with such beautiful views behind them.
Sponsored walk update 7...Parishes in Communion
A lovely photos of John and Eileen together on the walk with such beautiful views behind them.
They are on a 'roll' now (get it!?) as they've passed Pennsylvania (not that one) and are heading to Cold Ashton.
.....although, who said no more hills!!!
Sponsored walk update 8....
Sandra was 'chewing the fat' with some beautiful girls whilst eating her lunch, then even more ladies turned up to join in!
And Pauls' found his transport back to Kingswood!
Sandra was 'chewing the fat' with some beautiful girls whilst eating her lunch, then even more ladies turned up to join in!
And Pauls' found his transport back to Kingswood!
Update 10 ...taking a moment to look back at the beauty of where they have just walked... what a wonderful view
"Our Mini Camino was blessed in every way, with perfect weather, enthusiastic supporters and not least the faithful pilgrims. Any Camino is about walking in trust with the Lord and with any companions he may send. It’s a lesson in abandonment and faith.
We had a most magnificent spirit filled day even though we did not quite reach our intended destination, but that too is part of accepting providence and walking in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in the way of faith.
Thank you to all who helped and supported the Camino. God bless.
Blessings!" Fr Jim
"Our Mini Camino was blessed in every way, with perfect weather, enthusiastic supporters and not least the faithful pilgrims. Any Camino is about walking in trust with the Lord and with any companions he may send. It’s a lesson in abandonment and faith.
We had a most magnificent spirit filled day even though we did not quite reach our intended destination, but that too is part of accepting providence and walking in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in the way of faith.
Thank you to all who helped and supported the Camino. God bless.
Blessings!" Fr Jim
A post from Care for the Family
'Big Parenting Questions' is a brand-new event for mums, dads and carers, designed to offer hope and help as they navigate the leap their children are making from childhood to adolescence.
It’s packed with practical advice and strategies to help parents feel better equipped to come alongside their child as they try and establish their identity, assert their independence and find their place in the world.
You’ll come away with …
An understanding of the Big Parenting Questions ‘Why is everything changing?’, ‘How can I keep the connection?’, ‘What can I do to protect them?’ and ‘Who are they becoming?’
Practical ways to stay connected with your child whilst letting them go
Strategies to keep your child safe, both in the real world and online
Ways to help your child establish their identity and develop independence
Fresh optimism and confidence as well as practical tools and vision for your parenting, your child, and your relationship going forwards
Bonus content to watch at home to help you with even more specific big parenting questions
Book tickets: cff.org.uk/bigparenting
Reflections for Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B, from Deacon Vincent.
1st Reading from the prophet Isaiah 50: 5-9.
A notable feature of the Second Isaiah (Deutero-Isaiah) is the existence of four famous “Songs of the Suffering Servant”, of which this is the third song. Together these poems or songs present us with a picture of God’s ideal servant. His task to bring home the scattered people of God, and who in consequence will suffer grievously. Early Christians saw these as prophetic visions of Jesus Christ, who was the “Ideal Servant”, in fact the only Son of God, the second Adam, the one was obedient to the Father unto death. The songs or poems are very graphic and moving to read and ponder over, for Jesus had these songs as part of his mental furniture. He always knew what would befall him. The big test for Jesus was to keep faith that the Father would vindicate his suffering, which the Father did spectacularly with Jesus’ Resurrection. We are, as followers of Jesus, asked to keep faith whilst his Holy Church is being crucified anew.
Psalm 114: 1-6, 8-9.
For those who think God is far distant from us and only interested in the important people of the world, this song is a direct contradiction of such a notion. This is a very personal psalm of thanksgiving, for God has, “heard the cry of my appeal”. It goes on to say that “God has compassion”, and, “The Lord protects the simple hearts;” “I was helpless so he saved me.” This is the cry of a simple person who has found that God does hear the cry of his little people. God is no respector of rank or status, all are his children, and God is very close to us. Our Judaic fathers were always aware of the closeness of God, and we could do well to make ourselves far more familiar with this realisation that God is always VERY CLOSE TO US.
2nd Reading from the letter of St. James 2: 14-18.
James is emphasising that Faith that does not lead to action is in fact “DEAD”. Faith in Father, Son and Holy Spirit leads us to follow the Gospel life, and if we are living the Gospel life it will drive us into action on behalf of the WORD. Jesus was driven to show God’s love for his people, our faith must also show the people, “Just How Much God Loves Them.” If we believe in God, then God is Love, so we also must love as God does, and fill where there is a need for love and care for our brothers and sisters.
The Holy Gospel according to Mark 8: 27-35.
We continue with Jesus educating the disciples. He starts with asking how his message was being received by asking them who do the people say, “I am?” They roll out, “some say John the Baptist,” others said, “Elijah”, and others one of the prophets. Then Jesus asks us “Who do you say I am?”. Peter answers for us when he says, “You are the Christ.” Now Jesus attempts to show them how he will suffer like the suffering servant of our first reading and be killed but after three days rise again. Peter is horrified and takes Jesus aside and remonstrates with Jesus. Jesus rebukes Peter, who had gotten it so right a little while ago now spectacularly gets it wrong. Jesus says to Peter “Get behind me Satan! Because the way you think is not God’s way but man’s.” Now Jesus spells out for us our way of following the Gospel life. We must renounce ourselves and take up our cross and follow Jesus. This seems harsh, but once we put ourselves last, it liberates us, to love our neighbour for God’s sake.
God give us the grace to deny ourselves and follow in Jesus’ footsteps. Deacon Vincent.
CAKES!!!! This Sunday, in aid of our 2 Parish Projects (Brandon Trust and Little Sisters of the Poor St Joseph’s Care Home Bristol ) please come and enjoy a cuppa after Sunday Mass in the hall and browse the selection of delicious cakes! We always love donations of cakes for the sale too so if you are a budding Mary Berry then please bake for us (& label any allergens) - but if you are more of a Chuck Berry then you could always buy a pack from the shops!
See you then!
See you then!
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