Community Kitchen Cupboard (The 'C.K.C.')

NEW FOOD BANK INITIATIVE, together with school & pre-school, our ‘Community Kitchen Cupboard’ is now up & running! (The 'C.K.C.')

July 2024

This informal, free service is for anyone in our community who might be struggling or just needs a bit of extra help ~ please, just come & help yourselves from the shelves.

As you can see from the video, come on into the entrance of the church which is open each day (even if the door is shut, please try it, as it is usually unlocked from approx. 8.45am-4pm, or later on days where there is evening Mass) including during the summer holidays.
The Community Kitchen Cupboard is at the end of the entrance area - take a bag and take what you need for you / your family.

Also, if anyone is in a position to donate tinned & packet items for the CKC please leave items in the box at the bottom of the cupboard for our team to sort out and label.

We have loads of pasta and tins of beans, pulses & soups etc at the moments but would love some more toilet rolls, tea, coffee, lunchbox snacks such as individual biscuits or dried fruit boxes etc, jars of pasta sauce, tinned or packet desserts (rice pudding / custard etc) and sanitary items.
*Keep an eye out for updates on this in the weekly Newsletter*

We hope this will be a useful initiative for our community and we would welcome any helpful feedback and offers to join the team of people checking and re-stocking on a rota basis each day.

“And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19

Congratulations to Milly from Willow class for designing the winning logo for The CKC - the new Community Kitchen Cupboard!
... I think it says everything about what the initiative stands for - to surround people with love ❤️ Well done Milly.
Look out for the new sign at the back of church soon.

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