7 groups met during Lent and the full report is shown, below, for you to read.
Click on each picture to zoom in
Here is a summary of the questions discussed:Lessons post lockdown, how we feel about the Church & Mass, the role of women & fears about change, the riches of the church, youth & the issues of LGBT+ & the hunger & need for deeper catechesis, a desire to explore the challenges we face in our secular society & how we can live the Gospel convincingly.
Worries were expressed about change in the church as well as recognising the need for some kinds of change, but to continue to witness to a faith that is countercultural, while recognising the ways that Church teaching has hurt people.
Support for the Pope was expressed.
An overwhelming outcome was for better communication of what is going on, for the lay to take on more responsibility, for a better balance of roles of women & men in the church, better catechesis of young & adults, for us all to take our faith more seriously, & belief that the Holy Spirit will lead us into the future, into any changes, that the church will always stand for the unchanging truths of the Gospel while we all face undoubted change in our lives & in the world.
How do we discern the need for change or not?
What needs to be reimagined given the future lack of priests?
How we need to be missionaries of joy & hope?
This was a fruitful & interesting experience for all & we hope to repeat it from time to time in the next year, & for action to result.
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