Then, if there are more than 2 nominated we will have a parish vote!
As we are nearing the end of 2023 we wish to publicly thank Bella and Mike for all the hard work they have put in to raise awareness of the 2 charities - The Mike Procter Foundation and Friends of the Earth.
When the final events have taken place we will be delighted to announce the amounts raised for both charities over the year and look back on all the lovely things done in their name.
Advent 2023
As Advent is getting near, please take a look at all the Masses, Services and events happening up to and including Christmas during this new season of the Church.
Plus, a little message from Fr Barnabas.
Plus, a little message from Fr Barnabas.
During Advent, as we prepare for the Season of Joy and Goodwill, we think of those who are struggling. Would you like to support the local food bank? We will put out a box at the back of church & we will get these things to the local food bank for you if you wish to drop off any items whilst at church.
This is a very generous parish and we acknowledge and thank you all for what you do for the wider community, be it supporting the Soup Run, the Parish projects, the 2nd collections at Mass and the special events and fundraising we put on.
Please see the list of what the food bank needs (and doesn't need) below and help if you can. Thank you.
This is a very generous parish and we acknowledge and thank you all for what you do for the wider community, be it supporting the Soup Run, the Parish projects, the 2nd collections at Mass and the special events and fundraising we put on.
Please see the list of what the food bank needs (and doesn't need) below and help if you can. Thank you.
New Pastoral Areas
Please see the leaflet from Fr Eugene Campbell about our new Pastoral Area.
“I would very much like to start a process of listening going across our Pastoral Area in order to move forward in hope. I would like us to gather and share thoughts and visions for the future on how we can collaborate more closely and move forward the mission of the Church.
These meetings will eventually move around the Pastoral Area but to start with, I invite you to come to Holy Family, Patchway, BS34 5DP on Saturday 2nd December from 10am to 12pm. Refreshments will be provided.
I do hope parishioners from all parishes of our Pastoral Area will come along. As Bishop Declan reminds us, “If we are inward looking we will die, but if we are outward looking, we will be challenged but we will live and know that we are faithful to the Gospel.”
God Bless, Fr Eugene Campbell VF
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