Reflections for Pentecost Sunday Year C
1st Reading from the Acts of
the Apostles 2: 1-11.
Here we have the Spirit in Action with imagery and
sound (mighty wind, tongues of fire). This takes us back to Jesus’ baptism in
the Jordon, when the heavens opened, and the Spirit descended in the form of a
dove and a voice was heard from heaven. This is the fulfilment; the work of God
is being accomplished. The fire and mighty wind are symbols of what will be
revealed in the rest of the Acts, the violent wind is blowing throughout the
Acts, driving the story onwards, powerfully changing the lives of Saul and
Peter, and the others pushing them to the ends of the earth, any opposition is
overcome by the signs and wonders of healing that accompany the Gospel. The
“Tongues of Fire”, represent the speeches that make up one third of the Acts.
On this first Pentecost see how the gospel is preached to “all the world”, and
how Stephen and Peter and Paul cannot be prevented from speaking of Jesus to
those whom they meet. If you look at the map of the Middle East of that period,
you will see how the places mentioned make a complete circle around it. So, it
all began and continues to this day. We are celebrating the birth of the
Missionary Church, which continues to spread the Good News of Jesus; it cannot
be stopped, just like the wind that blows where it will, touching everything
that it passes over.
Psalm 103: 1, 24, 29-31, 34.
A beautiful song in praise of God’s creation and the
action of His Spirit in this great task. A reminder to us of the power of the
Holy Spirit in the world.
2nd Reading from the Letter of
St. Paul to the Romans 8: 8-17.
Paul gives us the choice between living by the desires
of the body or taking on the Spirit and lifting ourselves out of a life leading
to death, and taking on the Spirit of God, given to us at our Baptism, and that
same Spirit will follow Christ where he has already gone, to eternal life with
the Father. Paul also uses the Roman tradition of adoption, which enabled a
person without natural heirs to adopt friend’s children or even slaves, so that
his name and goods could be handed on, to illustrate just how we become adopted
by the Father and thereby become brothers and sisters of Jesus and join with
him in inheriting eternal life with the Father. So, Paul’s central theme of the
Resurrection is thereby enabled, by the Spirit, to be extended to us, by
adoption. Paul’s knowledge of the world in which he is moving enables him to
communicate with those whom he meets on their own level. A real lesson for us
in how we can also spread the good news to those we meet.
The Holy Gospel according to John 14:
15-16, 23-26.
This section brings together a beautiful collection of
sayings of Jesus, and only occur in John’s Gospel. Love is central to Jesus’
new Gospel, disciples must love each other and so be loved by the Father, and
we achieve this by keeping his commandments, or following his Way. Then this beautiful phrase “If anyone loves
me, he(she) will keep my word, and my Father will love him(her), and we shall
come to him(her) and make our home with him(her).” What a wonderful prospect
for us to ponder at this great feast. Father and Son making their home with us,
if we obey the Spirit and keep His Word. What a glorious way to end Eastertide.
God Bless us all & bring us to
everlasting life. Amen, Alleluia.
Deacon Vincent.
Image by Kiều Trường from Pixabay
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