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**Please see previous post about the available spaces at Christmas Masses**

The First Christmas
Sending many, many thanks to Martyn Poole, Phil Shuttleworth and Petra Jordan for helping to make and set up this WONDERFUL Crib scene outside of Church for the whole community to enjoy.
We are delighted with it. Please come and have a look if you are out and about during the evening...
It looks stunning and reminds us of the simplicity of the First Christmas - and as simple as Christmas 2020 may feel for so many of us, without all the usual traditions and frivolities, we can concentrate on the message of hope and joy that the birth of Christ brings...
We pray that 2021 will bring Hope to our troubled world.

Sharing a lovely meditation from a Priest in Plymouth Diocese
A beautiful seasonable meditation from local bard and parish priest Fr Mark Skelton.
The gifts of 2020
Once long ago, in times quite unlike ours,
A couple, strangers, fearful, lost and poor,
Had finally found shelter in a barn;
A sanctuary of calm and what is more,
The woman, lying on her stable bed,
Found hope and joy that came from out of pain.
A softly crying baby, nurtured close.
And wondering aloud, the mother prayed.
Then, though alone and knowing not a soul,
She and her husband heard the barn door creak.
And shepherds full of wonder, full of hope,
Came laden, wool and milk and cheese and meek
They laid their gifts as offerings; not sure
Why they had come but knew it right they had.
And turning, full of what they now had seen,
They wondered what there was about this lad.
And then the doors again flung open wide.
And earthly grandeur made its way inside.
The gifts now laid before were rich and fair.
These travellers, star-gazers, strangers there.
The shepherds, kings, gave what they had to give.
Each sharing from the means they had to live.
No gift bearer left sadder than they came,
For what they gave; rich, poor, was just the same.
Now think on 2020, this year gone.
Imagine gifts now laid before this throne.
No vast expense or plans that take awhile,
But phone calls, shopping offered, simple smiles.
The shelves stacked, floors mopped, anxious foreheads cooled,
The hospitals kept going, children schooled.
So many ways to honour this new king;
With gifts or prayer or songs, bright gatherings.
With kindness, loyalty but far above
All these, He smiles, to see your acts of love.

Congratulation to St Joseph's Home in Cotham,
who received donations from Waitrose in Nailsea!

"Sister Monica from Bristol receiving a cheque from Jane Holt Community Champion in Waitrose Store, Nailsea.
The donation was for the sum of £333.00.
The £1000.00 donation was shared between three charities and Jane put the Little Sisters forward as her Charity.
Thank You Jane from everyone here at the Little Sisters Of The Poor."

Clifton Diocese Investment Committee.
Clifton Diocese is looking for members for its Investment Committee, a sub-committee of the Trustee Board.
The Diocese has outsourced the active investment of funds to an external investment management firm. The Committee meets bi-annually in Bristol in May and November, to review the portfolios with a representative of the investment firm who attends the meeting.
Given that the portfolios are managed externally, the Committee’s role is principally one of oversight and governance. As such the Committee’s main responsibilities are to ensure that the Diocese’s investment objectives and ethical standards are adhered to, and that the correct processes are in place to monitor, evaluate and review the performance of the investment manager.
While some investment or investment-related business experience would be beneficial, those with current legal, accounting or financial experience would also be appropriate.
Committee members do not need to be practicing Roman Catholics but should be sympathetic to the aims and objectives of the Church.
For further information, or to submit a CV, please contact: Mgr. Canon Bernard Massey, Vicar General, on: 01823 272700 or

Local Christmas Craft Trail

A wonderful, safe, Christmas trail of local craftsmen and women begins tomorrow in our parish area.
Please look up the BSpoke16 website for details of where you can safely visit local trades to buy last minute Christmas items, gifts, and more. Today, local parishioner Karen is featured in this post.
Good luck to all who are taking part!

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